Boosts sound seamlessly while preserving the dynamics of the original. Automatic filter applied to maintain the original perceived frequency balance.
Available on : PC PC (32bit)
Boosts sound seamlessly while preserving the dynamics of the original. Automatic filter applied to maintain the original perceived frequency balance.
Available on : PC PC (32bit)
A delay sound for each frequency band (LOW-MID-HIGH) activated (not OFF)
Available on : PC PC (32bit)
Delay sound once according to the beat button’s fraction for each frequency band (LOW-MID-HIGH) activated (not OFF)
Available on : PC PC (32bit)
This function distorts the original sound of each frequency band (LOW-MID-HIGH).
Available on : PC PC (32bit)
Play part of each beat several times according to the beat slider’s fraction of each frequency band (LOW-MID-HIGH), like a multitap delay.
Available on : PC PC (32bit)
Outputs the input sound that has a level above the threshold level for each frequency band (LOW-MID-HIGH)
Available on : PC PC (32bit)
Records the input sound at the point at which each frequency band (LOW-MID-HIGH) is activated (not OFF) and repeats it according to the beat slider’s fraction.
Available on : PC PC (32bit)
Cut sound according to the beat slider’s fraction of each frequency band (LOW-MID-HIGH).
Available on : PC PC (32bit)