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2 and 4 Decks- Audio & video Layout mode -Normal & Extended Decks view - 12 different colors for the background -Day light skin included
Available on : PC PC (32bit) Mac (Intel) Mac (Arm)
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2 and 4 Decks- Audio & video Layout mode -Normal & Extended Decks view - 12 different colors for the background -Day light skin included
Available on : PC PC (32bit) Mac (Intel) Mac (Arm)
Available on : PC PC (32bit) Mac (Intel) Mac (Arm)
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O.S.D. is a skin for users with external controllers and mixers ONLY, as it doesn't feature many buttons and controls. It's main target is to be a supplementary part of your system's controller, and not just a plain "copy" of your controller's physica
Available on : PC PC (32bit) Mac (Intel) Mac (Arm)
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Available on : PC PC (32bit) Mac (Intel) Mac (Arm)
Just the basics, with large buttons and sliders. No need for a stylus.
Available on : PC PC (32bit) Mac (Intel) Mac (Arm)
High end skin for touch screens. Real touch scratch with On-Off crossfader.
Available on : PC PC (32bit) Mac (Intel) Mac (Arm)
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Available on : PC PC (32bit) Mac (Intel) Mac (Arm)