

 Skin Slider

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Skin SDK: The <slider> element

The <slider> element is mostly used to draw horizontal/vertical faders and round knobs.

Syntax: <slider action="" dblclick="" rightclick="" orientation="" direction="" frommiddle="" relative="" visibility="" os="" panel="" deck="">.

Inherited Attributes :
visibility="" os="" panel="" deck=""
See Global Element Attributes

Properties :
  • action="" : is a VDJ Script action that will be performed from the slider
  • rightclick="" : can specify a different value if the slider is clicked with the right mouse button
  • leftclick="" : can specify a different value if the slider is clicked with the left mouse button
  • dblclick="" : can specify a different value if the slider is double-clicked
  • orientation="" : Possible values:
  • horizontal, for a simple horizontal slider
  • vertical, for a simple vertical slider
  • circle, for a circular slider
  • round, for a knob-like button
  • 2d, for a X-Y 2 dimensions slider
  • direction="" (horizontal and vertical sliders only) : possible values: "up" (default) or "down"
  • relative="" : if set to "yes", the slider will move its associated value relatively
  • frommiddle="" : Set to true to split on/off graphics at the mid point and create a half up/down slider (useful for EQ style knobs).

    Children :
    • <pos x="" y=""/> : Give the (x,y) position that the slider will have on the screen. Read further details in Skin Element Position
    • <size width="" height=""/> : Give the width and the height of the slider.
    • <up x="" y=""/> (or <off/>) : Give the coordinate of the graphic to use when the slider is normal. Vector graphics can be used as well (see button)
    • <selected x="" y=""/> (or <on/>) : Give the coordinate of the graphic to use when the slider is selected. Vector graphics can be used as well (see button)
    • <clipmask x="" y=""/> : Give the coordinate of the B&W graphic that should be used as a clip mask when drawing the slider (should be avoided, suggested to draw in transparent background)
    • <mousemask x="" y=""/> : Give the coordinate of the B&W graphic that should be used as a mask to decide if the mouse is over the slider (should be avoided, suggested to draw in transparent background)
    • <mouserect x="" y="" width="" height=""/> : Set a simple rect zone as a mouse mask
    • <mousecircle x="" y="" r=""/> : Set a simple circle zone as a mouse mask
    • <fader> (horizontal and vertical sliders only) : The definition is the same as a <button> element without an action, and it will act as a fader for the slider
    • <circle x="" y="" anglemin="" anglemax="" sectsize="" direction=""/> (circle sliders only) : define the circular slider geometry with these properties:
    • x : center of the circle
    • y : center of the circle
    • anglemin="" : angle (in degree) for the zero position of the slider
    • anglemax="" : angle (in degree) for the maximum position of the slider
    • sectsize="" : if not zero (default value), the slider will have a "fader" of sectsize width
    • direction="" : possible values: "cw" (default) or "ccw"
  • <fader move="" sensibility=""> (round sliders only) : The move possible values are "full", "horz", "vert", "v" or "circ".
    The <fader> element may contains these children:
    • <pos x="" y="" nb="" nbx=""/> : give the coordinate of the graphics to use for the slider (depending on the slider value). If nbx is specified, the graphic is split on several rows. Vector graphics can be used as well (see button)
    • <over x="" y="" nb="" nbx=""/> : give the coordinate of the graphics to use when the mouse is over the slider. Vector graphics can be used as well (see button)
  • <fill> (for round sliders only)
    The <fill> element contains the following children
    • <off x="" x=""/> : define the off graphics for the "ring" of a round slider (when at 0%)
    • <on> x="" y=""/> : define the on graphics for the "ring" of a round slider (when at 100%). Vector graphics can be used as well (see button)

    Example 1: Linear vertical slider using vector graphics for off/on and image graphics for the moving fader.
    <slider action="level" rightclick="temporary" orientation="vertical">
    <pos x="+23-3" y="+3"/>
    <size width="6" height="124"/>
    <off height="-21" color="faderinoff" shape="square" border="darker" border_size="1" radius="3"/>
    <on height="-21" color="faderin" shape="square" border="darker" border_size="1" radius="3"/>
    <mouserect x="-20" y="+0" width="40" height="120"/>
    <size width="40" height="21"/>
    <off x="236" y="266"/>

    Example 2: Round knob using vector graphics.
    <slider action="eq_high" frommiddle="true" orientation="round" relative="no" >
    <pos x="400" y="200"/>
    <size width="48" height="48"/>
    <off width="40" height="40" shape="circle" color="#3a3b3e" color2="#252628" gradient="vertical" border="#1e1e20" border_size="2"/>
    <fader color="#aaaaaa" width="3" height="17" radius="2" anglemin="-150" anglemax="150"/>
    <fill width="48" height="48" radius="18" color="blue" backcolor="#232323"/>

    Example 3 : A 2-dimentional slider (XY - horizontal & vertical)
    <slider action="effect_slider 1" action2="effect_slider 2" direction="right" direction2="up" orientation="2d" >
    <pos x="+35+4" y="+30+4"/>
    <size width="335" height="259"/>
    <size width="8" height="8"/>
    <off color="white"/>

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