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Topic: All this chatter about the Numark NS7....Who has one? - Page: 3

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back sorta to the subject of this post. I use vci-300 and itch not due to superiority of ITCH but the controller is what I was looking for. So the main thing is will the NS7 sufice as a controller for VDJ . honestly i hope it would cause that would be a reason for me to look into getting one

Inviato Sat 28 Mar 09 @ 3:03 pm
I saw something online, a video from nam talking about it will work other software

Inviato Sat 28 Mar 09 @ 3:08 pm
Caliente123 wrote :
I saw something online, a video from nam talking about it will work other software

if you are talking to me i know my answer is currently 'no'

Inviato Sat 28 Mar 09 @ 3:12 pm
mp3jrickPRO InfinityHonorary MemberMember since 2003
We are all in the dark on supporting this, so there is no answer to when or if.
It would have been a lot easier if they had offered our software with it also.
Wouldn't it be ironic if VDJ became the software of choice with this and Itch was history?

I know you guys are really anxious about this, but i've asked and not received an answer, so we wait it out and see.

Its interesting to see the dialong change from dedicated devices to the outright demand for this unit and concept.
Go figure, but I'd like to see the registered ssl : Vdj user tally sheets myself.

But what pisses me off the most is the media's willingness to test and report on soft and hardware but VDJ is not in the mix.
Cue gets more airtime than VDJ for that matter and not by Numarks doing that I am aware of, these are independent analysis published in magazines.

Inviato Sat 28 Mar 09 @ 3:17 pm
mp3jrick wrote :
We are all in the dark on supporting this, so there is no answer to when or if.
It would have been a lot easier if they had offered our software with it also.
Wouldn't it be ironic if VDJ became the software of choice with this and Itch was history?


honestly if campatibility wasn't an issue you would be stating the obvious. You do not know how many times in the forums the statement ' you know like in virtualDJ' shows up
everymorning i mess with my VCI-300 and virual DJ thinking ' maybe i did something wrong and this will work'

as much as i talk about how well SERATO is i actually proably should rephrase that to VESTAX cause it is the controller not the software that I love. Maybe a sneeky move on serato's p[art to have people praising the convience of itch when the NS7 can work as conviently with other software

Inviato Sat 28 Mar 09 @ 3:26 pm

I have now 6 days with the NS7 and I think it is asome and very reliable. The only reason why I purchased the NS7 had to deal with my negative experience with my VDJ 5.2 pro and my hercules because they crashed twice a day when I was rehearsing and every time I had a gig going on. Again, I have now owned THE NS7 and Itch for the past 6 days and my computer has not crashed a single time. This is awasome since that is the reliability that I have been Looking for. ANother save feature that the NS7 have is that is powered unliked the Hercules for example that is powered via usb. Since my hercules was powered via my usb port computer when my computer crashed that was it since I was not able to connect a cd player to the hercules but to the computer. Crashing at a gig was a total failure. The NS7 on the other hand again is self powered, it my computer is to crash the ns7 is still on and connected to the speakers so a backup cd player will do it all. NS7 also have perfect loop in and loop out features that are very reliable when live djing. With VDJ and hercules I was not able to have perfect loop in and loop out options which made it harder to do it live at a gig so I rather did not want to use it being afraid of messing it up.
Now I know the NS7 has an internal sound card but some how my speakers sound better on the hercules which also has an internal sound card. So I hope that I know dont have to go and buy a sound card to effectively use the NS7. My perfect wish is that VDJ find out the reason why it keeps crashing so I can use hercules for smaller but a easier and more mobile gig, and use my ns7 for the big gigs like weddings and corporate events. I would not mind to bring my hercules for a house party or something like that were they are looking for a ship fare. I am also planning on maybe getting me another computer and connect the hercules to my flat screen TVs and maybe have one of the speakers hooked up to it since VDJ has some nice video features that itch and ns7 wont have. I might end up using NS7 and HErcules toguether somehow.

Inviato Sun 29 Mar 09 @ 11:42 am

It seems that the Search box in Itch only searches the currently selected crate (or playlist or genre etc). I think it should always search the entire library. Here's some reasons why:

- The purpose of search (I think) is to quickly narrow down a large selection of tunes to just a few, which can then be selected from in the normal way. That's presumably why the search is incremental (reacts instantly to each further keypress in the search box).

- If there is a crate or playlist selected, that's already narrowed down the available tunes down very significantly. There is not much benefit in filtering them further with a Search box.

- Even in the case of (say) a genre with loads and loads of tunes in it, if I then go and Search by artist (for example), the chances are I still want to see *all* the tunes by that artist, even if they are not all tagged with my currently selected genre. That's why I searched for the artist! ;)

- When I want to find some tracks by artist or title-fragment, I want to find them straight away. I don't want to have to think "where are they?", remember that they're not showing up because they just don't happen to be in my currently selected playlist, tab around or mouse over to crates/playlists, select 'All'/'Library', then go back to the track list to find the tunes I'm after.

- The above little sequence of operations happens almost every time I use Search. There's no good reason for it that I can think of, it just gets in the way. Search would be much *more* effective if it just searched everything by default.

- I realise that some changes to the way crate selection and browsing work would be necessary if Search worked this way. You might need a 'Virtual Crate' which holds the current search result. And maybe a 'back' button to leave the search results and go back to the previously-selected crate (or genre etc). I think this trade-off would be well worth it for the added effectiveness of the Search feature.

Please consider adjusting the otherwise excellent Search feature to work in this clearer, simpler way.

Alternatively, this is a really good candidate for an optional setting: it's exactly the sort of thing that users like to choose for themselves. Please don't avoid having settings for stuff like this out of a desire to 'keep things simple' - that's ok for basic needs, but Itch is pro software :)

Richard :)

(By the way, played my first set out with Itch on Friday night. It worked great, non-stop for 7 hours through the VCI-300. Awesome!!)

Inviato Sun 29 Mar 09 @ 2:32 pm

- When I want to find some tracks by artist or title-fragment, I want to find them straight away. I don't want to have to think "where are they?", remember that they're not showing up because they just don't happen to be in my currently selected playlist, tab around or mouse over to crates/playlists, select 'All'/'Library', then go back to the track list to find the tunes I'm after.

- The above little sequence of operations happens almost every time I use Search. There's no good reason for it that I can think of, it just gets in the way. Search would be much *more* effective if it just searched everything by default.


i will just say you are asking for something very specific and You can accomplish exactly what you want by clicking the 'all' right before you search.

here is why searching in playlist is a nessesaty i group songs for the night in a playlist. so i know i have some chris brown in there so a quicj search and there are my selections within my play list. also sometimes i have songs in a playlist based on what the event wants me to play.... they may want def leppard but not certain songs. I could have a playlist with just my radio edits so i need to see what version of Swing by savage i can play on teen bowling night ect.

again there is a simple work around that can do what you want so it really isnt a missing feature and you may see a reason why it is the way it is as i provided examples

Inviato Sun 29 Mar 09 @ 2:34 pm
I found this on serato itch and I figure to place it here :
Kraal, I see what you mean, but that's not the way I use it. Having to click on 'All' first, and then losing my playlist/genre selections as a result, is an inconvenience for me. In the middle of a set when I suddenly want to find something, I just want to go straight to it. Compare with the way that search works in iTunes, or Spotlight search works in OS X.

What I'm really asking for is a *setting* to control this. I think that Itch in general needs to be a bit more configurable to match the way people work, and this is a good example of that.
At 7:26 AM 24 March 2009
Richard E wrote
ok i am confused. you want to stay in your playlist but find something outside playlist, but finding things outside of your play list by nature takes you out of your play list.

you say to compare to itunes search but i don't see itch working much different. example
1. make a playlist in itunes with 2 songs in it.
2. stay in playlist but search for a different song
3. the result is the song doesnt show up. to be exact your playlist is now a blank page till you clear the search field.
maybe you could clarify a little more as to what you are looking for.
here is what i am not seeing in your idea.
let's say i have a playlist with 3 songs in it
i do a search for the word cars and 45 songs show up
how would i be able to select one of those without clicking out of my playlist?
then when done how do i make them go away?
i beleive SERATO would actually have to add clicks to make that work... am I wrong?
At 9:43 AM 24 March 2009
kraal wrote
Yes, Serato would need to change the interface around the Search function, as I stated in my original post.

You're right about iTunes though: it *does* search only within the current playlist. I never realised it before now, because for me there's no point searching within a playlist. None of my playlists are that big. I never even noticed the Search box when looking at a playlist. And, in fact, I do click on 'Music' in iTunes to search my library.

So why don't I do that in Itch? Maybe just cos I'm under more pressure. Or maybe because browsing in iTunes isn't the same as looking for that next tune in a live DJ set. Or, maybe because when I'm using iTunes I've got a mouse under my right hand most of the time, whereas in Itch I'm more keyboard-oriented.


Anyway, I would still like the *option* of globally-scoped Search in Itch. It wouldn't hurt anyone who likes it the way it currently is, but it would help those who always want a library-wide Search.

Any thoughts from Serato...?

At 10:49 PM 24 March 2009
Richard E wrote
Hey Richard,

A fast way to search "All..." is to use the shortcut ctrl - f
This takes you straight to the search box and searches the All... playlist.

Try it out... :)
At 11:18 PM 25 March 2009
Nick M wrote

Serato, Support
*slaps forehead*

Cool, I'll try that - thanks! :)
At 6:27 AM 26 March 2009
Richard E wrote
QUOTEREPORTLINKNick! Thanks for that! I used VCI 300/Itch for first time last night and things went very well (except for loud hum! other thread but I was getting frustrated at times when searching and I thought that I clicked all but it doesn't always take you back to "all"...anyway, thanks for the "ctrl + f" tip....

Inviato Sun 29 Mar 09 @ 2:35 pm
yourtPRO InfinityMember since 2003
About NS7 versus the Hercules crashing....

So? If the laptop crashes, you go to a backup CD player... 1 player, I understand.
What's the use? Turn a ready made mix?

If the laptop crashes with a Hercules or anything else, you have a backup too.
Either at location there's your regular mixer + CD's/vinyls/both, either you fall back to an iPod for all I care.
Unless you hook your hercules straight to an amp, you pass a mixer at some point, so a backup insert is no prob, be it with the NS7 or the Hercules. No point there to my opinion. Or am I missing it?

As for mp3 playback being so great: have you tried out differently coded mp3's yet? And I'm specifically aiming at VBR's... how's the status on that?


Inviato Mon 30 Mar 09 @ 2:27 am
Well Again,

Hercules is not powered to the electricity but to the computer. Hercules operates as the sound card, so if you wook up a cd player to the hercules and the computer crashes you wont be able to use the cd player because again hercules turns off if the computer is not operating.
The NS7 on the other hand is not powered via usb port, it is self powered to the electricity and which means if you have your ns7 and you hook up a cd player to it and the computer crashes you can still use the cd player since the ns7 is still on because it is not attashed to the computer. Again, we are talking about if we use the hercules or ns7 as the main sound card which I do since I m not looking to buy an external sound card. Again, this is the main reason why I like the ns7 because it operates as a sound card, controller, it has a laptop holder, and the itch never crashes but if it so happen that it does at a given time I can still Use a single cd player.

Another point, when I use the word crashing I am not talking about it crashes and it doest not work any more. I am talking that when I use hercules and vdj the computer crashes and I have to turn if off and turn it back on again in order for it to work which it is fine with me only if I was able to play a song on a cd player while I am turning my computer on and off. But Again since hercules is the sound card it wont work if the computer is off.

Inviato Mon 30 Mar 09 @ 10:09 am
yourtPRO InfinityMember since 2003
Ok, I got that....

and about file handling? different file formats, especially VBR mp3's?

I asked that because I am totally confident in my Numark IDj2 playing and mixing songs on its own behind the cocktail bar / bodega / party VIP room (small events of course), as long as I feed it with non VBR's. I have found troubles using those, and Numark confirmed it through the helpdesk and asked me for more input on when and how it occurred. So, I was wandering if the new player dealt with that. Just got on the wrong track, because:

"Can I change computers during a gig without interrupting the audio?
Yes, NS7 has an audio input that enables you to play from another device such as a portable MP3 player, CD player, or mic while changing laptops."

So the external palyer has to deal with decoding... my mistake. (and maybe Numarks right decision to stay away from that area ;-) )

Inviato Tue 31 Mar 09 @ 5:18 am

Inviato Tue 31 Mar 09 @ 5:36 pm
DJ Cyder wrote :
Caliente123 wrote :
They need to make a Virtual dj sound card and lock it just to that. Have two versions. The current one that allows you to use any controller etc and another locked to the interface. Why do you think serato is so sucsesful. Look at Trakktor to.
Eveytime a new controller comes out from a big company. Its states that it will work with serato and traktor.... Not virtual dj. Im not hating virtual dj but this is what i see... When they lock something, it works flawless.

Wow can I live in your perfect world? Serato isn't a hardware company just like Virtualdj isn't a hardware company. The sl1 isn't made by serato either and sorry to burst your bubble the sl-1 isn't the best soundcard by far. Anyways thanks for the consumer perspective on what Atomix should do in the future.

im with you the best sound card you can get if you have cash is rme

Inviato Wed 01 Apr 09 @ 2:39 am
yourtPRO InfinityMember since 2003
RME? And M-audio or Focusrite?

Inviato Wed 01 Apr 09 @ 5:19 pm
I have the NS7.

First off if you want to search all your crates at once use the short cut command CONTROL-F.

This command jumps to the top of the crates list ALL.

If you type the title or any part of the song title or artist it narrows the field to only include the songs with that title.

I would suggest to read the Serato Scratch Live manuel. It is more detailed and has similar features found in Itch.

Here are some negatives of the NS7.

If you turn up the master volume past the 2pm clock position you start hearing a funky noise. Do not play a song during this test. Sounds like a buzzzzzzzzzzz if you turn it up to maximum output you will hear a very larger buzzing sound. I went to GC and their display NS7 has the same buzzing noise.

This sound is also present in the headphones.

I'm not very pleased about this problem. Can I please get other owners to verify this problem. Obviously when you have music playing the buzzing noise will disappear. Thing is if you have a mic on and no music you will hear this. I have not tried it yet.

I have a very fast Mackbook Pro 2.6 processor with 4gigs of RAM and 512mb of dedicated video RAM. I'm getting drop outs at 1 and 2 setting when loading songs. I have to set it to 5 to fix the problem. I have nothing in the background running on my Mac.

I can run SSL at 1 with videos and I get no dropouts using my Rane 57SL.

The Itch software is very behind compared to SSL. There are a lot of extras that Itch does not have.

I hope the Serato team catches up Itch to SSL.

I still like the feel of the turntable and hot keys.

Not taking it back yet haha.


Inviato Sat 04 Apr 09 @ 12:11 am
Hey, I agree with you since I also have the same kind of problem with the sound once it goes up on the master to a certain level yes you can hear a back ground noise. When I first bought it, I have getting some drop out, I called itch and they said that I had something to do with my mp3 library and that it could be that I had some corrupt files. They suggested that I take all my songs to the build preview and the system scanned them and told me which files were corrupted and i deleted them. and I have not have a drop out since then. I love the ns7, I did notice also that when I turned the mic on there is a background noise but since I dont use the mic that much I just hope it doest not create any additional issues. Also, I had said on previous writting that I did not like the search feature on itch, but after I learned the control f feature I love it.

I feel that NS7 was the best invesment that I have ever made on the dj side. Again, last night I had a wedding and this was my set up

MacBook Pro laptop, NS7, a Piano Stand, Two SMall but Powerfull Powered Speakers EVs, A Basic Set of lights, a Wireless Mic, and a WD external hardrive, and a Ipod just in case my computer were to fail. I also brought a back up laptop and left it in the car just in case my computer was to brake. Wao, I was able to fit everything in my car 4 door sedan. I made 1700 in this gig so I already got my 1400 from the ns7 back.

I did not need a external sound card and so turn tables, sound card, amps

Inviato Sun 05 Apr 09 @ 10:40 pm
Ya I have one Man what a great peace of work... Ive been using serato but im to the point now where i could really used some Virtual Dj. There were no problem with serato or the NS7 at all... but i did find that Serato runs at 268 MB of ram.. VDJ has about 108 and does a hell of alot more than serato. I would really like to see VDJ Break out the new one and make it crazy cool for the Ns7. Also Virtual dj was really good about the sync button working. on the ns7 the sync button it stupid and havent seen any real use for it. PLEASE PLEASE some one map the ns7 to vdj

Inviato Tue 07 Apr 09 @ 7:37 pm
I'm getting three single small pops once I turn up the master volume without music. There is one at 9am one at 2pm and one at full volume.

If you never change the volume sharply at a gig then you should be okay.

I find that if you turn everything on before plugging in your laptop usb you will get better results as far as buzzing noises are concerned.

I'm keeping this baby due to the size and itch crates are compatible with serato scratch live.

I have a good feeling Itch will catch up to SSL very soon. I also think Itch will run videos before the year is up.

My mic does not have any buzzing noises.

Inviato Sat 11 Apr 09 @ 11:37 am
yourtPRO InfinityMember since 2003
Quote :
I made 1700 in this gig so I already got my 1400 from the ns7 back.

did the US dollar drop that much again... LOL

No, serious. If I show up at a wedding with a setup like that, I can hardly get 300 € ... if I play 'till the early hours... and that means 4 - 5 - ... AM. Maybe that's another reason why these things (in general) don't sell that much here: first the price is the same in € as it is in $, and next you need a lot more effort to get your ROI to work.

So maybe that's why I'm so demanding when I buy something of a similar price. The noise is unacceptable to me. The iDJII doesn't have it (if so it would have returned to sender ASAP).

Inviato Sat 11 Apr 09 @ 2:01 pm