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Topic: TCV and DAC-2

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Does anybody use TCV with the DAC-2? I'm considering buying a DAC2 controller to use in conjunction with my TCV. Does anybody know if this will even work?? If so how? How will it interact with my mixer and everything. Thanks alot.

Inviato Tue 15 Mar 05 @ 7:04 am
cstollPRO InfinityMember since 2004
I am going to do a complete write-up on what you are asking. Give me some time and I will post something tomorrow.

Inviato Tue 15 Mar 05 @ 6:30 pm
cstollPRO InfinityMember since 2004
TechnicalDJ - I promised you something today but I had mixed results tonight when I tried to play with certain features so, I am only going to write about what I know will work and get back to you with a couple of other things.

TCV engaged and start playing the song leaving the TCV engaged.

1. Now I know some people have mentioned leaving the TimeStretch set to OFF when using the TCVs, however; with it ON I am able to use the PITCH control on the DAC to take advantage of using the MasterTempo option and get beyond the +8/-8 limitations of the TT by choosing +12/-12 in the GENERAL Settings tab.

2. I am able to use the LOOP settings to start/engage and end loop a loop via the -/+ and LOOP buttons on the DAC. Try that with only using the vynil and no keyboard shortcuts.

3. All my FX features are at my disposal by using the FX button and Shift-FX for scrolling through the 3 options.

4. I get the visual display of the DAC for seeing the remaining time that way I don't have to look at the software display.

5. I can use the inner jog wheel for those fine tuning needs when trying to get a mix in - no need to tough the plater or center post on the TT.

6. The outer jog wheel gets me those big jumps when I am trying to skip through the song to a specific spot so I don't have to, again, spin the vynil like crazy or needle drop part way in on the vynil. Just lay the needle at the beginning, let it catch the first TC signal then use the outer jog wheel to jump forward or back. Inner jog wheel for fine tuning.

7. With one song playing, I can use the second deck jog wheel to scroll the browser and load my next song.


Now the one thing I was getting mixed results on what having a CUE point set and using the CUE button to jump back to that point. Example, Goodies by Ciara, set CUE point on first opening beat, start playing the song - has nice instrumental intro - about 16 beats in hit the CUE button on the DAC and waa-laa, back at the beginning and keeps on playing. Now you don't have to wait the 16 beats. Say you want a stutter start like WirelessDJ has been talking about in another post. No problem - start the song and when you are ready to mix in the studder, just keep hitting the cue and then when you stop hitting the CUE the TCV moves the song right along and you would. Kinda a cheap way to do a Baby scratch without touching the vynil, but hay it worked.
Again the above function I had mixed results on and need to play with it more, but if I can lock it down on how to make it happen for all tracks then it would be a nice feature.

I am sure you might have questions so shoot away and I hope others will add to this with there experiences. Oh, yeah... as far as my crash experience look back at my latest post in the TCV Experience... thread, I have some new info.


Inviato Wed 16 Mar 05 @ 6:36 am
Great thanks alot for all that info. Short question though. Would you recommend it? Do you think it's worth the money to pick up a DAC-2 for using with TCV? Thanks again

Inviato Wed 16 Mar 05 @ 8:08 am
cstollPRO InfinityMember since 2004
The investment is well worth it, however; if it is only based on complimenting the TCV use then that is really up to you.

All of my mobile gigs are done using the DAC and CD players. My only reason for the TCVs was for my weekly club gig and any other club gigs I might pickup where I have TTs to use.

But again, I also look at the DAC investment as 'What if something happens with a TT?' Without a DAC, I would have to click and play out the gig using just a mouse. However, with the DAC I can still rock on and beat mix and etc.

Again, DAC or any controller would definitely compliment a TCV exclusive rig.


Inviato Thu 17 Mar 05 @ 12:20 am
I had a question along the same lines would the dac elimanate the need for the keyboard and mouse during a gig ie... loading searching of songs and such???

Inviato Thu 17 Mar 05 @ 1:35 am
cstollPRO InfinityMember since 2004
Yes, to some degree. However you are sort of limited to the middle browser pane.
If you are someone that puts all your apples in one bucket then yeah, no mouse or keyboard use really needed. However, I have my MP3 grouped in different ways (No duplicates though).
I personally don't like the limits of the VDJ database so I use a very powerful yet low cost MP3 cataloger. Check it out here: great compliment and make 'digging' through your 'record case' so easy. Oh, yeah a really cool feature about the MP3 cataloger, with this application the playlist built is readable and usable in VDJ.

v/r, cstoll

Inviato Thu 17 Mar 05 @ 2:31 am
DJ CyderPRO InfinityModeratorMember since 2003
I've got the dac-2 and use 1 tcv

witht the tcv enguaged you can't use the play button on the dac

works great together...

Inviato Thu 17 Mar 05 @ 6:39 am
Best Virtual Player

Inviato Fri 18 Mar 05 @ 6:23 pm
I am new to Virtual DJ, but I think it is the best. I've worked with PCDJ for more than 5 years and finally moved over to Virtual DJ; thanks to watching DJ Meely played. I want to know how I can do a backspin using my DAC-2 and have the song start right up from a particular cue point.

Inviato Wed 22 Feb 06 @ 5:00 pm

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