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Forum: VirtualDJ Plugins

Topic: [NEW] [OTHER] WatchDog v1.0 Alpha - Page: 2

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Uploaded plug-in to version 1.0.2 Now it can accept values from 20 to 240 seconds.

Does your scripting needs involve the last used cue-point but you can't get it on a script command? Not anymore!!! :P

Ver 1.0.4 is UP!

Now Watchdog reports the last used cue-point for each deck! The usage is very simple.
Watchdog will set a variable 'WD_LUC' on each deck with the last used cue-point. Since it is a variable it can be used on scripting commands both on controllers and on skins.

An example to query if the last used cue was cue 4 is:
deck 1 var_equal 'WD_LUC' 4 ? action 1 : action 2

Another useful example:

deck 3 var_greater 'WD_LUC' 5 ?

This will return true if the last cue point used is any of the 6,7,8...99


Ver 1.0.5 is UP!

Added Original Key Function. Watchdog queries the deck for the Original Key of the song and it stores it on a numeric variable 'WD_ORKEY'
The numeric variable uses an "internal" mapping:

Am = 1
A#m = 2
Bm = 3
Cm = 4
C#m = 5
Dm = 6
D#m = 7
Em = 8
Fm = 9
F#m = 10
Gm = 11
G#m = 12
A = 21
A# = 22
B = 23
C = 24
C# = 25
D = 26
D# = 27
E = 28
F = 29
F# = 30
G = 31
G# = 32

Usage example of the new function:
deck 1 var_equal 'WD_ORKEY' 1 ? deck 1 set_key 'Am' : deck 1 var_equal 'WD_ORKEY' 2 ? deck 1 set_key 'A#m' : deck 1 var_equal 'WD_ORKEY' 3 ? deck 1 set_key 'Bm' : deck 1 var_equal 'WD_ORKEY' 4 ? deck 1 set_key 'Cm' : deck 1 var_equal 'WD_ORKEY' 5 ? deck 1 set_key 'C#m' : deck 1 var_equal 'WD_ORKEY' 6 ? deck 1 set_key 'Dm' : deck 1 var_equal 'WD_ORKEY' 7 ? deck 1 set_key 'D#m' : deck 1 var_equal 'WD_ORKEY' 8 ? deck 1 set_key 'Em' : deck 1 var_equal 'WD_ORKEY' 9 ? deck 1 set_key 'Fm' : deck 1 var_equal 'WD_ORKEY' 10 ? deck 1 set_key 'F#m' : deck 1 var_equal 'WD_ORKEY' 11 ? deck 1 set_key 'Gm' : deck 1 var_equal 'WD_ORKEY' 12 ? deck 1 set_key 'G#m' : deck 1 var_equal 'WD_ORKEY' 21 ? deck 1 set_key 'A' : deck 1 var_equal 'WD_ORKEY' 22 ? deck 1 set_key 'A#' : deck 1 var_equal 'WD_ORKEY' 23 ? deck 1 set_key 'B' : deck 1 var_equal 'WD_ORKEY' 24 ? deck 1 set_key 'C' : deck 1 var_equal 'WD_ORKEY' 25 ? deck 1 set_key 'C#' : deck 1 var_equal 'WD_ORKEY' 26 ? deck 1 set_key 'D' : deck 1 var_equal 'WD_ORKEY' 27 ? deck 1 set_key 'D#' : deck 1 var_equal 'WD_ORKEY' 28 ? deck 1 set_key 'E' : deck 1 var_equal 'WD_ORKEY' 29 ? deck 1 set_key 'F' : deck 1 var_equal 'WD_ORKEY' 30 ? deck 1 set_key 'F#' : deck 1 var_equal 'WD_ORKEY' 31 ? deck 1 set_key 'G' : deck 1 var_equal 'WD_ORKEY' 32 ? deck 1 set_key 'G#'

thank you very much phantom, that is exactly what i was after :)

I forgot to mention that when there's no key detected by VDJ the function will return 0.

Also you can use the following syntax to detect whether the original key is in major or minor scale:

deck 1 var_greater 'WD_ORKEY' 15 ? Major Scale : Minor Scale

PS: VDJ most of the time will detect Minor scale keys. However in my music library I have found a few tracks that were detected as Major scale, thous I thought it might would be useful to have a way to detect if the key is Minor or Major

This seems like a great plugin but I have no clue as to how to use it...... The scripts just seem foreign to me. Any way we could get a detailed write up on how to use this or a video. Maybe it's just me but I don't understand what it's supposed to do.

Yes I know I can be a dumbass sometimes, lol!

Ok, I will try my best to explain how this plugin works:

It queries VDJ for various status information every 10ms using VDJ script.
Then based on the results it receives, it does some maths and it sets some variables. With these variables you can do various things in your own scripts.

For instance the last two additions are:

  1. Variable 'WD_LUC' = WatchDog Last Used Cue
    This is the last used cue-point on each deck. It uses "get cue" VDJ script command to get this info and then it stores it on the variable.
    The reason behind this is simple: You can't use the "get cue" inside another VDJ script command in order to create a complex command.
    You can't type "get cue 2 ? blink : on" However you CAN type " var_equal 'WD_LUC' 2 ? blink : on
  2. Variable 'WD_ORKEY' = WatchDog OriginalKey
    This is the original key of the song that's loaded on the deck. It uses "get loaded_song 'key'" VDJ script command to get the original key , it transforms the result (which is TEXT) to a number using an internal "mapping" and then it stores the result in the variable.
    This way you can use the variable to perform various tasks as the examples above

Also WatchDog features a few other functions that are all commented on the posts above.

The usage of the plugin is easy:
Just install it, go to Effects, Other, WatchDog and click the enable button.
The plugin will always run and always update it's variables.
The "Other" plugins on VDJ run constantly, and they don't "reset" when you load a track. Also, they start running as soon as VDJ loads.

Ok I think I have a better understanding of what this thing can do, lol! Heres one for ya, On my mixer (Ecler NUO4) I have a button mapped for HOT CUE 1, now I have more then 1 hot cue per track. Heres what Id like to do......

Lets say Im juggling and I get to HOT CUE 2, can I make that same button work for HOT CUE 2 now instead of going back to hot cue 1?? So basiclly every time I pass a hot cue that button will now jump back to the hot cue that was just passed.

Hope that makes sense, lol!

To see if I get this correctly:

You want a variable that will report the last "passed" cue-point in time, right?


Your track's overall schema is:
WatchDog should now set a variable (let's call it 'WD_LPC') based on the playing position (marked with ||)

WD_LPC = 0

WD_LPC = 2

WD_LPC = 1

WD_LPC = 3

Then you should use the following script on your button:

var 'WD_LPC' 1 ? hot_cue 1 : var 'WD_LPC' 2 ? hot_cue 2 : var 'WD_LPC' 3 ? hot_cue 3 : var 'WD_LPC' 4 ? hot_cue 4 : var 'WD_LPC' 5 ? hot_cue 5 : hot_cue

Is THAT what you want ? If so I think I can code it ;)

Yeah that's it! Basically I want that one button to jump back to whatever hot cue was just passed. I tried that script and it didn't work.

If you can get this to work I'll send you a case of beer no matter where in the world you are!!

beatbreaker1 wrote :
I tried that script and it didn't work.

Of course it didn't... I must implement this variable on WatchDog first... ;)
In a couple of days it will be ready!!!

Lmfao!! OK I'll see you in a couple of days.


Any headway on that script? I know your a busy man, so I'm just checkin in, lol!


It should be up on Monday!!!

Awesome news!!

Patiently waiting, lol!

Nice.. we have a resident realtime coder that works for the users ;)

I am after the Current Cue location feature as well. I have a line of buttons each mapped to a CUE. As the song progresses, I want the button corresponding to the last-passed CUE to light up so I can visually locate how far it has gone without staring at my screen.

If you got a functioning version of this, I will try it out tonight

I too was looking for a way to track the original key of a song. I found if I set the song to Deck 1 Key (without parameters), it just resets the song back to it's original key.

Not sure if this was what the other user was after.

Yes I'm waiting for the cue point jumper or whatever you wanna call it. It'll give me just that much more use outta my mixer, lol!!

Good Day

Since Syth showed me the CueEvents plugin I've been using it to skip parts in videos. In the comments field I type in CueEvents so I know which videos need it turned on.
My question is, is this plugin smart enough to recognize when a video has CueEvents in the comments and automatically turn it on?? If it can can you please show my how to do this?
There have been times I've forgot to turn it on and it killed the groove, lol!

Thanks for the time

im thinking this could end up being cues events 2.0 as it can do commands all the time because it doesn't rely on a button being pressed and can respond if a cue is hit, if that is the only thing in cues events you use, why not just ask phantom to include the function if it hits 1 cue it jumps to another, then if that cue exists it will automattically do it if watchdog is on... which is always. This way the information will be stored as a cue in the database file not a seperate cues events one, that is how i made a loop save workaround

how it should work is if cue 96 is passed then go to cue 97 or any other random cue numbers
