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Topic: AKAI LDP8 - Switch on a led

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i'm french, sorry for my english

I want to Switch on a led on a LDP8 pad.
I find how to map the buttons and they works perfectly:

the device :

<device name="AKAI LPD8" author="DJ Chris Dodge" type="MIDI" decks="3" sysexid="F07E??06024775001900000066000000000000000000000000000000000000000000F7">
<button note="55" name="BOUT01" />
<button note="50" name="BOUT02" />
<button note="48" name="BOUT03" />
<button note="44" name="BOUT04" />
<button note="36" name="BOUT05" />
<button note="43" name="BOUT06" />
<button note="60" name="BOUT07" />
<button note="61" name="BOUT08" />

<led note="55" channel="1" name="LED_E1" />

the mapper :

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<mapper device="AKAI LPD8" author="DJ Chris Dodge" description="AKAI LDP8 PAD" version="702" date="28/05/2012" priority="-10">

<map value="BOUT01" action="deck 1 play_pause" />
<map value="BOUT02" action="deck 1 cue_stop" />
<map value="BOUT03" action="deck 1 play_pause" />
<map value="BOUT04" action="deck 1 play_pause" />
<map value="BOUT05" action="deck 1 play_pause" />
<map value="BOUT06" action="deck 1 play_pause" />
<map value="BOUT07" action="deck 1 play_pause" />
<map value="BOUT08" action="deck 1 play_pause" />

<map value="LED_E1" action="deck 1 loop 1 ? off : on" />

with miditrace this are the code for the button 1 :
93 37 07 00 (if I push the button)
83 37 7F 00 (if I release the button)

But if I send the code 93 37 07 00, the led of the button 1 swich on.
If I send the second code, 83 37 7F 00 the led of the button 1 swich off.

But I dont find the script for swich on a led with a VDJ condition.

Can you help me ??

Inviato Tue 29 May 12 @ 5:32 pm
93 37 07 00 means that the button is on MIDI channel 3, so you will need to add channel="3" to the definition for the LED, e.g:

<led note="55" channel="3" name="LED_E1" default="BOUT01" />

You should also do this for the buttons (A button with no channel="n" will act on the MIDI message on any channel, so could cause a conflict if there are two or more buttons that use the same number but on different channels.)

NOTE: default="BOUT01" will cause the LED to automatically light depending on the action mapped to the button, so you don't need to map it separately.

Thank you very much !! But it's not work 100% :(

If I activate a effect with the pad, the led does not still remain switched on (only ~once on three). But if I activate the effect with VDJ, the led remains switched on.

(I hope that you understand my disastrous English)

this are my xml files :
<device name="AKAI LPD8" author="DJ Chris Dodge" type="MIDI" decks="3" sysexid="F07E??06024775001900000066000000000000000000000000000000000000000000F7">

<button note="55" channel="3" name="BOUT01" />
<button note="50" channel="3" name="BOUT02" />
<button note="48" channel="3" name="BOUT03" />
<button note="44" channel="3" name="BOUT04" />
<button note="36" channel="3" name="BOUT05" />
<button note="43" channel="3" name="BOUT06" />
<button note="60" channel="3" name="BOUT07" />
<button note="61" channel="3" name="BOUT08" />

<button cc="1" channel="3" name="BOUT10" />
<button cc="2" channel="3" name="BOUT11" />
<button cc="3" channel="3" name="BOUT12" />
<button cc="4" channel="3" name="BOUT13" />
<button cc="5" channel="3" name="BOUT14" />
<button cc="6" channel="3" name="BOUT15" />
<button cc="8" channel="3" name="BOUT16" />
<button cc="9" channel="3" name="BOUT17" />

<led note="55" default="BOUT01"channel="3" name="LED1"/>
<led note="50" default="BOUT02" channel="3" name="LED2"/>
<led note="48" default="BOUT03" channel="3" name="LED3"/>
<led note="44" default="BOUT04" channel="3" name="LED4"/>
<led note="36" default="BOUT05"channel="3" name="LED5"/>
<led note="43" default="BOUT06" channel="3" name="LED6"/>
<led note="60" default="BOUT07" channel="3" name="LED7"/>
<led note="61" default="BOUT08" channel="3" name="LED8"/>


<mapper device="AKAI LPD8" author="DJ Chris Dodge" description="AKAI LDP8 PAD" version="702" date="30/05/2012" priority="-10">
<map value="BOUT01" action="deck 1 effect 'FlippinDouble' active" />
<map value="BOUT02" action="deck 1 effect 'LFO' active" />
<map value="BOUT03" action="deck 1 effect 'metal' active" />
<map value="BOUT04" action="deck 1 effect 'NorthPole' active" />
<map value="BOUT05" action="deck 1 effect 'BeatGrid' active" />
<map value="BOUT06" action="deck 1 effect 'Flanger' active" />
<map value="BOUT07" action="deck 1 effect 'overloop' active" />
<map value="BOUT08" action="deck 1 effect 'Filter' active" />

<map value="LED1" action="deck 1 effect 'FlippinDouble' active ? on : off" />
<map value="LED2" action="deck 1 effect 'LFO' active ? on : off" />
<map value="LED3" action="deck 1 effect 'metal' active ? on : off" />
<map value="LED4" action="deck 1 effect 'NorthPole' active ? on : off" />
<map value="LED5" action="deck 1 effect 'BeatGrid' active ? on : off" />
<map value="LED6" action="deck 1 effect 'Flanger' active ? on : off" />
<map value="LED7" action="deck 1 effect 'overloop' active ? on : off" />
<map value="LED8" action="deck 1 effect 'Filter' active ? on : off" />


If you need a translation contact squatman, deun - deun or dlcel...

the way the lpd's leds operate is the leds are capable of responding to software, but they also turn off in the hardware aswell so you need to trick the hardware into retriggering the led if necessary. You can do this by seperating the push and release with:

down ? action when pressed : action when released

down ? effect 'effect_name' active : effect 'effect_name' active on ? on : off

***for this to work you need to add the "default" definition to the led as advised above by the teamer***

Please also check the manual for the device - There may be a way to turn off the hardware toggling of the LED's (When controlling them via VirtualDJ, you don't want the hardware turning them on/off itself as you press the buttons.)

there isn't unfortunately you can select "momentary" or "toggle" in the midi editor, but the leds always turn off no matter what the software is telling it, what the workaround does is tell the led to light up after the hardware has turned it off, I contacted akai in regards to my mpk mini and they confirmed it's a hardware limitation.

I search in the AKAI LDP8 notice but there is nothing to turn off the hardware toggling (

In the same time I test this commands :

<device name="AKAI LPD8" author="DJ Chris Dodge" type="MIDI" decks="3" sysexid="F07E??06024775001900000066000000000000000000000000000000000000000000F7">

<button note="55" channel="3" name="BOUT01" />
<button note="50" channel="3" name="BOUT02" />
<button note="48" channel="3" name="BOUT03" />
<button note="44" channel="3" name="BOUT04" />
<button note="36" channel="3" name="BOUT05" />
<button note="43" channel="3" name="BOUT06" />
<button note="60" channel="3" name="BOUT07" />
<button note="61" channel="3" name="BOUT08" />

<led note="55" default="BOUT01"channel="3" name="LED1"/>
<led note="50" default="BOUT02" channel="3" name="LED2"/>
<led note="48" default="BOUT03" channel="3" name="LED3"/>
<led note="44" default="BOUT04" channel="3" name="LED4"/>
<led note="36" default="BOUT05"channel="3" name="LED5"/>
<led note="43" default="BOUT06" channel="3" name="LED6"/>
<led note="60" default="BOUT07" channel="3" name="LED7"/>
<led note="61" default="BOUT08" channel="3" name="LED8"/>


<mapper device="AKAI LPD8" author="DJ Chris Dodge" description="AKAI LDP8 PAD" version="702" date="30/05/2012" priority="-10">
<map value="BOUT01" action="down ? deck 1 effect 'FlippinDouble' active : deck 1 effect 'FlippinDouble' active on ? on : off" />

but it's the same problem, the Led switch on two times out of five...

try this, I should mention I never tried it, it's just a theory, but have now sold the mpkmini so can't see if it works... in the midi editor that comes in the box you can choose change the behavior of the buttons... you want "momentary" for this to work.

down ? effect 'effect_name' active & effect 'effect_name' active on ? on : off : effect 'effect_name' active on ? on : off.

I don't installed the Akai midi editor or any file for the pad because on my "sound system" PC, I have already 2 novation launchpad which works without anything.
And I do not want to create some conflict or to corrupt the PC with any software. My "sound system" PC contains only Windows XP, the drivers and an antivirus.

The automatic Windows driver seems to be sufficient. But I have test on another PC with the Akai driver from the CD, and it's the same problem.

However I have find trick to by-pass the problem :

<map value="BOUT01" action="down ? effect 'FlippinDouble' active & effect 'FlippinDouble' active on ? on : off : effect 'FlippinDouble' active on ? blink 600ms : off" />

With that the led blink every time I activate an effect !

For me it's an acceptable solution !

Thank you very much !!!! And one more time sorry for my English :(

I have another problem :

on the Akai LDP8 pad there are 3 buttons named "PAD", "CC" and "PROG".
If I activate one, the midi code changing.
I can make 3 different programs :
- 1 for the effects deck 1
- 1 for the effects deck 2
- 1 for the effects deck 3

With the PAD button, the midi codes are :
91 39 56 00
81 39 7F 00
91 32 3B 00
81 32 7F 00
91 3C 3A 00
81 3C 7F 00
91 3E 4B 00
81 3E 7F 00
91 24 19 00
81 24 7F 00
91 26 35 00
81 26 7F 00
91 3D 24 00
81 3D 7F 00
91 4D 2C 00
81 4D 7F 00

With the CC button, the midi codes are :
B1 05 5D 00
B1 05 00 00
B1 06 63 00
B1 06 00 00
B1 08 66 00
B1 08 00 00
B1 09 57 00
B1 09 00 00
B1 01 5E 00
B1 01 00 00
B1 02 5C 00
B1 02 00 00
B1 03 50 00
B1 03 00 00
B1 04 67 00
B1 04 00 00

With the PROG button, the midi codes are :
C1 04 00 00
C1 05 00 00
C1 06 00 00
C1 07 00 00
C1 00 00 00
C1 01 00 00
C1 02 00 00
C1 03 00 00

(no code for the release...)

The mapp with the PAD button activate is the one that you helped me to find.
But I don't find the other mapping codes...

B1 05 5D 00 is a MIDI CC on channel="1", CC number 0x05 and value 0x5D

By those results it looks like they are pressure sensitive pads, so you would need to map them as sliders:

<slider cc="0x05" channel="1" name="PAD1" />

The LED may also be the same CC, e.g:

<led cc="0x05" channel="1" name="LED_PAD1" default="PAD1" />

To map it for a simple on/off action:

<map value="PAD01" action="param_greater 0% ? sampler 1 play : sampler 1 stop" />

C1 is MIDI program change (Can't directly be mapped) - This may allow you to toggle it between 8 different MIDI profiles and probably changes the MIDI note and CC channel numbers of the pads, so you can define/map them to different functions in each profile.

You are right cause if I mapp a CC button, the slider make the same action... and I use the slider for other actions.
I give up.

This is my final result :

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<device name="AKAI LPD8" author="DJ Chris Dodge" type="MIDI" decks="3" sysexid="F07E??06024775001900000066000000000000000000000000000000000000000000F7">

<slider cc="1" name="SLIDER01" />
<slider cc="2" name="SLIDER02" />
<slider cc="3" name="SLIDER03" />
<slider cc="4" name="SLIDER04" />
<slider cc="5" name="SLIDER05" />
<slider cc="6" name="SLIDER06" />
<slider cc="7" name="SLIDER07" />
<slider cc="8" name="SLIDER08" />

<button note="55" channel="3" name="BOUT01" />
<button note="50" channel="3" name="BOUT02" />
<button note="48" channel="3" name="BOUT03" />
<button note="44" channel="3" name="BOUT04" />
<button note="36" channel="3" name="BOUT05" />
<button note="43" channel="3" name="BOUT06" />
<button note="60" channel="3" name="BOUT07" />
<button note="61" channel="3" name="BOUT08" />

<led note="55" default="BOUT01" channel="3" name="LED1"/>
<led note="50" default="BOUT02" channel="3" name="LED2"/>
<led note="48" default="BOUT03" channel="3" name="LED3"/>
<led note="44" default="BOUT04" channel="3" name="LED4"/>
<led note="36" default="BOUT05" channel="3" name="LED5"/>
<led note="43" default="BOUT06" channel="3" name="LED6"/>
<led note="60" default="BOUT07" channel="3" name="LED7"/>
<led note="61" default="BOUT08" channel="3" name="LED8"/>

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<mapper device="AKAI LPD8" author="DJ Chris Dodge" description="AKAI LDP8 PAD" version="702" date="30/05/2012" priority="-10">

** Sliders
<map value="SLIDER01" action="effect default slider 1" />
<map value="SLIDER05" action="effect default slider 2" />
<map value="SLIDER02" action="deck 1 filter" />
<map value="SLIDER03" action="deck 2 filter" />
<map value="SLIDER04" action="deck 3 filter" />
<map value="SLIDER06" action="deck 1 eq_low & deck 2 eq_low & deck 3 eq_low" />
<map value="SLIDER07" action="deck 1 eq_mid & deck 2 eq_mid & deck 3 eq_mid" />
<map value="SLIDER08" action="deck 1 eq_high & deck 2 eq_high & deck 3 eq_high" />

** Deck 1
<map value="BOUT01" action="down ? deck 1 effect 'NorthPole' active : deck 1 effect 'NorthPole' active on ? blink 600ms : off" />
<map value="BOUT02" action="down ? deck 1 effect 'Flanger' active : deck 1 effect 'Flanger' active on ? blink 600ms : off" />
<map value="BOUT05" action="down ? deck 1 effect 'overloop' active : deck 1 effect 'overloop' active on ? blink 600ms : off" />
<map value="BOUT06" action="down ? deck 1 effect 'Filter1' active : deck 1 effect 'Filter' active on ? blink 600ms : off" />

** Deck 2
<map value="BOUT03" action="down ? deck 2 effect 'NorthPole' active : deck 2 effect 'NorthPole' active on ? blink 600ms : off" />
<map value="BOUT04" action="down ? deck 2 effect 'Flanger' active : deck 2 effect 'Flanger' active on ? blink 600ms : off" />
<map value="BOUT07" action="down ? deck 2 effect 'overloop' active : deck 2 effect 'overloop' active on ? blink 600ms : off" />
<map value="BOUT08" action="down ? deck 2 effect 'Filter1' active : deck 2 effect 'Filter' active on ? blink 600ms : off" />


you can define and map the cc pads no problem, but you need to change the way you map them, and you need to map the led seperately as you can't define the cc led as it doesn't exist.

To map the cc pads for the sampler to both play and set the volume you use

sampler 1 volume & param_greater 0% ? sampler 1 play : sampler 1 stop

it doesn't sound very good though when drumming on the sampler as you need to have pressure on the pad so you can hear it, the normal note on/off messages have a fantastic cc like value that sends the highest pressure value that would be absolutely perfect for live drumming but I could never define it properly, I even started a thread but recieved no reply so gave up on the unit.


Hey all, I am really new to this mapping thing, but have my LPD8 set up with the effects I wanted, just need to get the LED's working correctly.

I understand the previous comments, but was wondering what the "down / up" or "active / inactive" syntax is for a loop_button.

I have Pads 1 and 4 (through CC values) mapped to deck 1 and deck 2 loop buttons respectively, and want the LPD8 to hold the led on while the loop is (for want of a better word) looping, and then off when the loop is not, er, looping.

Here is what I have so far: (the loop_button mappings are in bold)

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<mapper device="SIMPLE_MIDI" author="Atomix Productions" description="Simple MIDI wrapper" version="705" date="26/08/2012" priority="-10">
<map value="0-CC5" action="deck 1 loop_button toggle " />
<map value="0-CC6" action="deck 1 loop_length -50%" />
<map value="0-CC9" action="deck 2 loop_button toggle" />
<map value="0-CC8" action="deck 2 loop_length -50%" />
<map value="1-CC17" action="deck 1 loop 16 toggle" />
<map value="0-CC1" action="deck 1 effect &quot;beatgrid&quot; active on" />
<map value="0-CC3" action="deck 2 effect &quot;dsp_Phaser&quot; active toggle" />
<map value="0-CC2" action="deck 1 effect &quot;dsp_Phaser&quot; active toggle" />
<map value="0-CC4" action="deck 2 effect &quot;beatgrid&quot; active on" />
<map value="1-CC18" action="deck 1 loop 8 toggle" />
<map value="1-CC19" action="deck 2 loop 16 toggle" />
<map value="1-CC20" action="deck 2 loop 8 toggle" />
<map value="1-CC21" action="deck 1 effect &quot;BackSpin&quot; active toggle" />
<map value="1-CC22" action="deck 1 effect &quot;Brake&quot; active toggle" />
<map value="1-CC23" action="deck 2 effect &quot;BackSpin&quot; active toggle" />
<map value="1-CC24" action="deck 2 effect &quot;Brake&quot; active toggle" />
<map value="0-CC10" action="deck 1 eq_high" />
<map value="0-CC11" action="deck 1 eq_mid" />
<map value="0-CC12" action="deck 1 eq_low" />
<map value="0-CC13" action="deck 1 filter" />
<map value="0-CC14" action="deck 2 eq_high" />
<map value="0-CC15" action="deck 2 eq_mid" />
<map value="0-CC16" action="deck 2 eq_low" />
<map value="0-CC17" action="deck 2 filter" />
<map value="LED_0-CC5" action="deck 1 loop_button ? blink : off" />

Thanks in advance for any help.


it's just these things combined for the LED.

query ? action if true : action if false

this is how "down" works

? action if pressed : action if released

this is how "loop" works as a query

loop ? action if looping : action if not looping

To make this..

down ? loop ? on : off : loop ? on : off

This is the same just with different highlights

down ? loop ? on : off : loop ? on : off

The mapping of "loop_button" is for setting the loop in on the first press, setting the loop out on the second press and exiting the loop on the third press, You need to leave "toggle" off the end of it....

I prefer to use the quantised loop sizes by just mapping "loop".

Thanks Synthetic,

I mapped to loop_button because I wanted to able to specify the loop length in real time (although I do not that it wont let you loop more than 16 beat (I think)).

Will try the loop query syntax.


whoops... I left the most important bit out.. the bit that tells it to loop in the first place

down ? loop & loop ? on : off : loop ? on : off

hi i have a lpd8 and i want to map out the sample i put in vdj do i add each sample from vdj to each pad n lpd8...can anyone help me plz

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