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Topic: V8 but by FRUiT - Page: 19
i tried this :
holding 300ms ? sidelist_add : browser_window "folders" ? var '$shift' ? browser_folder : browser_enter : browser_window "songs" ? var '$shift' ? var '@$v8bf_layout' 0 ? set '@$v8bf_layout' 9 & set '$fromdecks' 2 : var '@$v8bf_layout' 2 ? set '@$v8bf_layout' 9 & set '$fromdecks' 4 : var '@$v8bf_layout' 9 ? var_equal '$fromdecks' 2 ? set '$fromdecks' 0 & set '@$v8bf_layout' 0 & var_equal '$fromdecks' 4 ? set '$fromdecks' 0 & set '@$v8bf_layout' 2 : prelisten

and every second time i press SHIFT + track button it will activate prelisten. somwehere something is wrong here...

Which controller? I'm not sure what a "infinite push knob" is.

im using the denon mc6000 mk2
A filter knob stops somewhere or a eq knob for your highs, mids and base also stops somewhere and a volume knobs stop somewhere too. BUT
A infinite push knob means the knob can turn left or right without stopping (it has no end). its always 1 button on any controller. Its the knob that lets you scroll through your music. its not important here though. So far i have done this:
holding 300ms ? sidelist_add : browser_window "folders" ? var '$shift' ? browser_folder : browser_enter : browser_window "songs" ? var '@$v8bf_layout' 0 ? set '@$v8bf_layout' 9 & set '$fromdecks' 2 : var '@$v8bf_layout' 2 ? set '@$v8bf_layout' 9 & set '$fromdecks' 4 : var '@$v8bf_layout' 9 ? var_equal '$fromdecks' 2 ? set '$fromdecks' 0 & set '@$v8bf_layout' 0 & var_equal '$fromdecks' 4 ? set '$fromdecks' 0 & set '@$v8bf_layout' 2

What it does? It scrolls though the music and when on top of a folder if i press it, it will open the folder. If i press it again, i will go to browser mode (based on this skin). If keep it pushed for 300ms it will send the song in the sidelist tab. thats what it does so far. BUT i want to go to browser mode not by simply pressing it but by combining SHIFT + this button and when i simply press it, to activate prelisten.

I think that script is a little beyond me. However, it may work just as well or better on a different button. I gave up the functionality on my mc4000 for what happens when I press the button down and changed it to this.

Is there another button that would work for you? Maybe Shift+Panel button?


for now i kinda did something else. i totally deleted the prelisten function and put it on the view button. But my track button works perfect with your script!

I'm glad it works for you too. Usually when I gig, I use 2 deck mode and browse for tracks with the extended view. But, when I do weddings, I often have all of the important songs loaded in the 4 decks. That way, I can just hit play when I'm ready. First dance, M&S, F&D, Garter, Bouquet, etc. Works pretty nice.

I actually made quite a few scripts to modify my controller. But that's a topic for another thread.

Although the concept for the script was mine, DJDad and Fruit really helped to get it refined and working the way I wanted. A lot of thanks belong to them.

Before fruit updated his skin the script was a lot easier. Even with the default skin i can do exactly what i want. Now with the update it kind got complicated. It works fine now. I think that was the last customization i will ever do on my controller!

Yes for another topic i have some crazy ones to share

FRUiT i always wanted to ask you but i always forget! You think you can include the video drop preview in 0.8 version? Like it is on the default skin? Linking a mp3 with a video on the fly is one of the things I'm jealous from the default skin...

Do you think you could add "Crossfader Eq" or "Custom 3" below showing 3 horizontal faders?
(to be used for example with eq_crossfader_xxx)

Something like that


PressNPlayDJ wrote :
You think you can include the video drop preview in 0.8 version?
Didn't know there was something to do in skin to enable this but yes, of course > todo list.

djcel wrote :
Do you think you could add "Crossfader Eq" or "Custom 3" below showing 3 horizontal faders?
Consider it done dear friend :)

Yes! Its been on the default skin quite some time now! It was a feature in Vers7 and was added in 8.1 i believe. Its the most wanted feature from vers 7 users! I know a few who will jump on your skin after this one!!!!
Thanks again FRUiT!!!! You're awesome as always! Merci beaucoup !!!!

Hello. I like the skin very well . however have a problem . I have the DJ controller Denon MC 3000 and an external monitor for mixing . if I have the display set to 4 decks Swap . So all four decks on a screen . operate all 4 songs decks on my controller . Deck A , B , C , D. If C covering the controller enabled, the song on Deck C is loaded , etc. I set the display to 4 decks w / ext browser . so that the mixer is screen on the second screen and screen on a laptop browser . because the decks C and D will no longer work . When I activated the controller cover C , it invites the track automatically to the deck A. The same is also on the deck D , because the song is automatically loaded on deck B . Why is that? what I have to adjust , where appropriate in the mapping ??

Martingassler wrote :

Hello. I like the skin very well . however have a problem . I have the DJ controller Denon MC 3000 and an external monitor for mixing . if I have the display set to 4 decks Swap . So all four decks on a screen . operate all 4 songs decks on my controller . Deck A , B , C , D. If C covering the controller enabled, the song on Deck C is loaded , etc. I set the display to 4 decks w / ext browser . so that the mixer is screen on the second screen and screen on a laptop browser . because the decks C and D will no longer work . When I activated the controller cover C , it invites the track automatically to the deck A. The same is also on the deck D , because the song is automatically loaded on deck B . Why is that? what I have to adjust , where appropriate in the mapping ??

Your tracks will load to whatever deck os highlighted on your skin PFL. Try using the TAB key on your keyboard to change which deck is the one you want to load tracks.

On high recommendation from PressNPlay DJ, I downloaded and installed this skin. As compared to the VDJ 8.2 program itself, this skin is highly customizable, intuitive even to slow minds like mine, and can be made to operate for the most simplistic or the highly sophisticated DJ/VJ.

I do have one major problem unless I'm missing a setting somewhere.

When I load an "audio only" .mp3 into player A (or B) in the video mode, a colored background comes up with the title and artist being displayed. I don't know where this came from in settings and I can't get rid of it.

Please, help me make that go away.

Cap Capello wrote :
On high recommendation from PressNPlay DJ, I downloaded and installed this skin. As compared to the VDJ 8.2 program itself, this skin is highly customizable, intuitive even to slow minds like mine, and can be made to operate for the most simplistic or the highly sophisticated DJ/VJ.

I do have one major problem unless I'm missing a setting somewhere.

When I load an "audio only" .mp3 into player A (or B) in the video mode, a colored background comes up with the title and artist being displayed. I don't know where this came from in settings and I can't get rid of it.

Please, help me make that go away.

If your song has a cover art it will appear there, if not, then just the artist and title. Its actually convenient like that. But if you really want it black then download a black cover art and set it on all mp3. Or we could have an option there that can show a single color for mp3s


Or an option to auto hide the cover art box for files with no art.

>> todo list ^^

Thank you.

FYI: I don't use cover art, and it is turned off in "settings" as well as not downloading them.

As my performance target is weddings, when playing a primary audio only song (e.g. first dance, parent dance, etc) the focus is to be on the couple, therefore there's nothing to be on the screen. When I play audio only cocktail and dinner music, I use the slideshow feature to cycle through .jpgs with the couples images. This is activated using the slideshow button or deactivated using the slide show button.

If I must use a black .jpg it'll mean having to change the slideshow folder for each audio only song played that does not meet the aforementioned criteria. Should I forget to change the slideshow folder or forget to toggle slide show on / off, I get the colored title and artist screen which to some is cool, but to me, degrades the visual ambiance.

If it's easier to recode this amazing V8 skin to allow the user to select and show one full screen jpg instead of this title/artist default as well as bypassing the slide show or SDJSlide show option, that would be an unparalleled WOW factor. Hmmm, maybe this could be accomplished with a custom button script toggling a custom sized substitute for the VDJ logo, unless this skin overrides that feature too.

I look forward to the "to do" release completion.


I'm an unsure what you are talking about...

The output screen ?

Can you make some screen captures so I can see your problem ?

Hey Fruit,
another one for the todo list for ver.8, can you include the pad pages somewhere ... especially on the AM view as an option on the top right panel.
that would be nice
