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Topic: Blinking LED's

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If I wanted to have a LED blink all the time, regardless of the state of the button, how would I do that? I have tried something like this: blink 400ms 'blue' to not avail. Advice?

Also, is there an EASY way to make them blink with the beat of the master?

Inviato Sat 31 Oct 15 @ 5:16 am
to blink constantly you need to map it like..
blink 400ms ? constant 0.5 : off
blink 400ms ? constant 'blue' : off
depending on the way the LEDs are defined.

or you can replace "off" with an additional color to blink between 2 colors.

to blink "on beat" you will probably need to query the value of get_beat
or try this...
get_beatpos & param_mod 1 & param_smaller 0.25 ? constant constant '#0000FF' : off : constant '#0000FF' (or replace #color with a decimal number depending on the definition of the LEDs)

Got the first blink working. Thanks.

Gonna work on the beat on later! I'm trying to make a pattern on the Launchpad that chases, so that should be interesting.

And another question: How would I get an LED to blink only when activated, such as a sample? Reason I ask is the LEDs on the Launchpad can be hard to tell apart since they don't seem to be as bright when active as other controllers, such as the F1.

Lastly, do the hex values displayed in the sample editor color portion match directly to the LEDs on the Launchpad? Or am I limited based on hardware?

You are limited to whatever colors your unit is able to show. VirtualDJ knows these colors (those are pre-defined in the definition) and will try to match the closest one. But if the colors are too limited like the Launchpad I series (MKII offers about 64 colors IIRC) then probably Sampler colors are not that useful, so better stick with one color instead of using the get_sample_color action.

E.g. for a sample.. you can have ..
sampler_loaded 1 ? sampler_pad 1 ? blink ? constant x : off : constant y : off
where constant x is the color you want to blink when active and constant y is the color you want to show when sampler 1 is loaded (exists) but doesnt play. You can also replace off with a faded color

Hi Mr. Maycock
I'm not tryihng to hijack your thread, but;
I also have a Launchpad Mk2. and I am not clever enough to do all this mapping stuff. However, I like the direction that you are going with this.
So if you would be kind enough to share your mapping files with me I would really like to see where you are taking it, and would really apprieciate it, and maybe give you feedback.
you could send me a PM
all the best

Not at all my friend!

How do I send over mappings???


Wasn't planning on it.

Not really done with anything. Still have a lot to do.

I will be mapping a whole page dedicated to certain video samples, so I wonder if it will have much use.

Finally have a minute to look at this.

If I still want the LED to get sample color then blink when active, how would I go about that?

Got the beat blink to work. Mapping for active left deck/right deck?

How can I make them chase like the slicer? Looking to map 4 buttons in a row a la the grid in the top of the GUI.

use the action ..
get_beat_num 1 (to 4) to return true if the track is on beat 1 (to 4) on a 4:4 beat pattern
so your first LED should be ..
get_beat_num 1 ? constant x : constant y (constant y could be off too)

Got it working, using a deck action to have four going at one time. Actually looks pretty cool!

Any advice on getting the sample then blinking when active?

djdad wrote :

E.g. for a sample.. you can have ..
sampler_loaded 1 ? sampler_pad 1 ? blink ? constant x : off : constant y : off
where constant x is the color you want to blink when active and constant y is the color you want to show when sampler 1 is loaded (exists) but doesnt play. You can also replace off with a faded color


That I understand.

Is there a way to accomplish that with the get sample color action? In other words, not defining it manually. My sample racks are color coded. That is why I ask.

Forgive me if I am missing something.

Have you tried to replace constant x/y with get_sample_color action ?
So.. something like..
sampler_loaded 1 ? sampler_pad 1 ? blink ? get_sample_color 1 : off : get_sample_color 1 : off

Btw, if you simply map it as .. get_sample_color 1 , do you get the same color when the sample is playing and when not, or do you get a faded one when off ?

I will do that in a bit. Just got home from a gig. Thanks very much.

Controller is so versatile. Having a lot of fun mapping it.

Just saw the question. Sorry.

It is faded.

Blink when on mapping worked perfectly. Thanks so much! Now just gotta map it to all the pads...

Perhaps that could be the default in a future build?

My next questions will come when I try to program a whole page dedicated to a particular sample bank. Without even trying, might it look something like this: sampler_bank 'name' : sampler_pad x?

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