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Forum: Wishes and new features


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If you are a pro dj, mixing just audio and dont really care to have all the whistles n bells that seem to cause more problems then benefit please post your request here so the programmers at VirtualDJ get the message of what we want.

In York, Pennsylvania Digital DJ Jon would like to have a rock solid audio mixing program with a good solid database for storing and quickly retrieving request from my customers.My average gig draws 300 plus and I need something stable,IM tired of taking a seperate laptop with another less fancy program to get me out of trouble.Skins would be about all I would need just so we can personalize to our taste, which will not be the same from DJ to DJ

Jon Fisher
Pennsylavania, USA

Inviato Thu 02 Nov 06 @ 3:02 pm
sbangsPRO InfinityMember since 2004
its stable already with just audio ...

even on lower end computers

what problems are you having ...

maybe we can help


Inviato Thu 02 Nov 06 @ 3:21 pm
apopsisdjPRO InfinitySenior staffMember since 2003
"Bells and wistles" was always the problem with software in general...
see windows o.s...
I'm with you, my moto is "less is more..."
Virtual dj has a great "balance" though, and video (if you're talking about this) is not useless, it will used in the future more and more.

digitaldjjon wrote :
would like to have a rock solid audio mixing program with a good solid database for storing and quickly retrieving request from my customers.

You can't find a faster search function and database than vdj....
and rock solid too..

Inviato Thu 02 Nov 06 @ 5:52 pm
DJ FORMATPRO InfinityModeratorMember since 2003
i have no problems with vdj for 3y
its stable already with just audio

Inviato Fri 03 Nov 06 @ 4:46 am
super stable no problem until now!!

Inviato Fri 03 Nov 06 @ 7:17 am
there are issue... but this is not the thread for those issues.What I find to be interesting is this thread had 50 reads and 4 post.

I was only trying to see if the forum had some pro dj's interested in a solid pro audio version of this software.

everybody who has been around the scene knows a PC will never do video stable enough for the professional atomsphere.Mac is the way for video


Inviato Fri 03 Nov 06 @ 1:18 pm
phillydjPRO InfinityModeratorMember since 2004
I've been doing videos without problems. and I have both Pc and Mac I dont hate one or the other, you just have to know a bit about pc's to be able and tweak it till it's perfect for video, you have to remember it isnt really PC's fault the OS has to deal with all sorts of manufactures for there hardware unlike a mac which is all Apple
I think the key is finding the right combo

Inviato Fri 03 Nov 06 @ 3:42 pm
I was in no way knocking PC, i was just stating from experiance and that has been video has always been done on MAC, at least by me and my company.Apple does not have a mp3 mixing tool that suits me so I'm stuck with solutions in the PC enviornment, or one could now say in the Windows OS enviornment be that Apple now has and OS running on a Intel platform.

This thread was placed to see if any other pro DJ's using virtualdj are seeking just an audio/mp3 mixing utility.

It would appear with 88 reads and only a hand full of post, not many pro dj's using this app.

Inviato Sat 04 Nov 06 @ 8:30 pm
phillydjPRO InfinityModeratorMember since 2004
Plenty of Pro Dj's there just not into the forums much. I myself have Dj'd near 17 years

Inviato Sat 04 Nov 06 @ 9:48 pm
sbangsPRO InfinityMember since 2004
digitaldjjon wrote :

It would appear with 88 reads and only a hand full of post, not many pro dj's using this app.

what are u sujesting....

your off my xmas card list

Inviato Sat 04 Nov 06 @ 10:29 pm
I have sugested a Product split similar to other DJ programs with a non video version as well (the club owners arn't interested in video. The Idea didn;t seem to fly.

I use VDJ for audio only for about a year and so far have not had a crash or real problem other then when ripping a cd while doing a looped beatmix. So far so good.

But I Agree it might be time to split the products up

Video/audio dj
Audio/scratch dj
Karaoke DJ

BUt I like the program a whole lot and will continue to use it

DJ Marcel
Purple Onion NightClub

Inviato Thu 07 Dec 06 @ 3:42 am
cstollPRO InfinityMember since 2004
already got in a heat discussion elsewhere... so ProDJ for 15+yrs. Love VDJ. Use it in all three modes - AUDIO Only, VIDEO Only and AUDIO/VIDEO mixed -- no complaints here

Inviato Thu 07 Dec 06 @ 4:43 am
VoltronPRO InfinityMember since 2004
Virtualdj running as system service, explorer for drag song with left button > sendto >Virtualdj Deck A or B, midi engine compatible with all controllers, lil video out lcd-display for show only waveform, progression bars and song titles = The best (for me) :P

Inviato Wed 13 Dec 06 @ 6:30 pm
Marcel, think of the possibilities with video, not just the music videos, but the visualisations. If you want to run audio only you can still add some pretty cool effects to your show. I don't know why a club owner wouldn't be interested in video. Like I said it isn't exactly the music video capability I am talkin about it is video all the way around, Videos, advertisements, visualisations and other cool stuff. I find that more and more club owners are actually wanting video over just plain ole audio. It really adds to your show and to your $$$.

Inviato Sun 24 Dec 06 @ 6:08 am

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