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Topic: How to convert a USB Joystick to a Video Controller for VDJ - Page: 1

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pernPRO InfinityMember since 2004
This example is to show how you can convert a cheap USB Joustick to a video controller for VDJ. You also need to use my Joystick/Gamepad to VDJ MIDI mapper for it to work.

This is the Joystick i used, i choosed this since it was the cheapes USB Joystick i could found where i live. It's a Speed-Link SL-6612 Wasp² USB Joystick.

This is how the finished controller looks like. Since this is just an example i choosed to use a very simple box and buttons. You can also use a 19" 1U panel and more expensive buttons if you want.

And this is the functionallity i use. But you can use it however you like.

First you need to remove the stick.

Just cut the wires to the PCB.

Turn it around and open the bottom.

We just need the PCB and the potentiometers so take that out.

The cables on this PCB are clearly marked wich makes everything much easier. Else you have to follow them to the buttons etc and mark them yourself.

S1-S8 = Button 1-8
L,R,UP,DN = Point Of view Buttons. I will not use them in this controller.
LX,LY,RY = The potentiometers
GND = Ground
VA = + Voltage

This is the back of the PCB, Behind The big round black dot is the microcontroller for the Joystick.

Now it's time to add our own buttons. A button in the joystick is connected to one of the S1-S8 wires and to Ground. It's easier to connect a ground wire to all buttons in a row first, then add the S1-S6 wire (I only use 6 buttons here).

The Joystick has 3 rotary potentiometers, one of these is changed to a fader. On the Potentiometer it's written 10K, This means 10 K Ohm (10 000). So you have to buy one, just make sure it's a LIN fader and not a LOG fader. LOG faders are mostly used as volume faders in mixers etc. I have also notices that some Joysticks doesn't detect the full length of the fader, if that's the case just make the travel hole as long as the "active" length of the fader.

Here is everything added to the box.

And the final result again.

This is just one example of what you can use an Joystick for, with my mapper it's a generic MIDI device that can be used for almost anything with VDJ.

Inviato Wed 14 Mar 07 @ 2:09 pm
sbangsPRO InfinityMember since 2004

Inviato Wed 14 Mar 07 @ 2:46 pm
hey pern - can I add you to my msn so that if I run into trouble when I manufacture mine - we can chat about it online? Time difference allowing of course.

PM me with an address if you so desire.

Inviato Wed 14 Mar 07 @ 5:42 pm
NebulaPRO InfinityMember since 2004
That's quite fun! shows how you could make a bespoke controller if you had something specific in mind... :o) nice one!

Inviato Wed 14 Mar 07 @ 9:45 pm
It looks really nice , I'll buy a jostick to try hehe, pern , I hope you can help me to make mine congratulations lol :)

Inviato Thu 15 Mar 07 @ 2:06 am
l_ridsPRO InfinityMember since 2003
Man thats seriously the poor mans controller. Love the logic though!

Inviato Thu 15 Mar 07 @ 2:22 am

Inviato Thu 15 Mar 07 @ 7:09 am
Will any usb joystick/controller work?

Can you use the up,down,left & right commands?

Inviato Thu 15 Mar 07 @ 7:20 am
pernPRO InfinityMember since 2004

Re: The Video Switcher, i wrote you an answer in your last thread regarding this. But i can't find it at the momet ;-) But sure, it can be done. There are a couple of different ways to do it.

Re: Any joystick/controller. If it's detected as a Gamecontroller in Windows (Made for PC and Windows). Then it should work. The only problem that i can see is if it uses some very strange kind of capacitive buttons.

Re: Can you use the up,down,left & right commands?

It can use any VDJ command that you can map. And the Point OF View buttons are detected in the current mapper.

I'm at the moment working on the next version of the mapper. This will support more axes and buttons, allow you to use the POW buttons to controll the mouse cursor and any button as a mouse button. You will also be able to send keystrokes to VDJ to to emulate any key pressed on the keyboard .


Inviato Thu 15 Mar 07 @ 8:50 am
pernPRO InfinityMember since 2004
"Man thats seriously the poor mans controller."

I know that it looks cheap and it is. That was the goal with this project. To see how cheap i could build a controller. But it's usefull for a lot of things.

I'm also working on some other "controllers" at the moment to be able to use with VDJ. This to get more faders/buttons or to be even easier to build. A GamePad has more faders but requires more soldering skills to modify.

Sure, i could use my own MicroController and some special hardware design, that wouldn't be any problem for me. But i like to do these projects so that almost anyone can copy and use them.

The next controller i'm working on with mapper require almost NO soldering skill etc at all. The base for this is the Velleman K8055 USB EXPERIMENT INTERFACE BOARD. This can be purchased built and tested from most electronic shops that sells Velleman kits. I will use a kbd matrix for this giving it 25 buttons. The nice part is that you can use up to 4 K8055 connected to one computer, giving you a lot of Buttons etc. An extra small PCB will give you 16 faders/knobs.

Velleman Card

Another simple controller project in "design" at the moment will give you 32 Faders/knobs, 64 buttons and 2 jogg wheels. This is enough to make your own copy of the Numark Total Control.

And i'm also working on a very cheap (to build) Scratch controller that works just like the XP10.

Inviato Thu 15 Mar 07 @ 9:52 am
Pern is the electronic VDJ god

Inviato Thu 15 Mar 07 @ 3:52 pm

What a great ideas, what a mind working...

Inviato Thu 15 Mar 07 @ 4:45 pm
Re: The Video Switcher, i wrote you an answer in your last thread regarding this. But i can't find it at the momet ;-) But sure, it can be done. There are a couple of different ways to do it.

don't think I ever saw it. but I'll look for it.

Inviato Thu 15 Mar 07 @ 6:29 pm
great work...thanks for posting all that.....

do you have a controller for an ATM ??

Inviato Fri 16 Mar 07 @ 3:15 am
Wow ,great work Pern!!! only a week late for me :(
(i was looking for something like this ;now i've sold my tascam x-9 on ebay and waiting to get the zero 4 when its released ) Dammit .. i could of kept my mixer :P

Inviato Fri 16 Mar 07 @ 3:34 am
Hey Pern I went Joystick shopping yesterday and I cannot find a low - end joystick similar to your example.

All I can find in a similar price range are Gamepads. These have no pots so - no crossfader, which is what I wanted this for in the first place (frustration was setting in.)

So I guess I can always ask - Can I map the X-Y-W-Z axis joystick as the crossfader? Then I'd still have the directon pad, and 10 buttons to deal with.

I would guess that under the joysick handle it's just a small box-type switch for the joystick - and carbon pads under the thumbpad.

Inviato Sat 17 Mar 07 @ 12:53 pm
pernPRO InfinityMember since 2004
If you want to use a fader then it must be a gamepad with analog Joysticks. Like this that i use for my testing


I haven't tested a digital but i see no reason why it shouldn't work. But it will not be the same feeling as a analog one, since you can't use pots or faders. In the digital Gamepads there is just small Microswitches on the PCB, no Pots. Also note that removing the pots from a analog Gamepad is harder than from a Joystick.

I will check if i can find a dealer for cheap Joysticks close to you also . Radio Schack didn't have it but i will keep looking. And there is always Ebay.

If $35 + P&P is not to much for you then i have found and ordered for myself a High-quality Joystick card that requires no soldering etc (It's only the PCB, built and tested) and gives you 8 faders and 32 buttons. From what i can read about it it's miles better than any Joystick/Gamepad that you can buy. If it's as good as it looks, then it's what i will use for myself. As soon as i got it and tested it i will post the result.


Inviato Sun 18 Mar 07 @ 11:11 am

Inviato Mon 19 Mar 07 @ 7:01 am
pernPRO InfinityMember since 2004
Re: The Gamepads,

Yes i think they will work. But i really suggest you to wait a couple of days until i received the card i describe above. If it works like i think it will be so much better, it's more powerful, better resolution. More buttons and much smaller PCB that easily will fit behind a 19" 1U panel. And you don't have to modify anything.

Re: The controller card.

I agree that that was expensive, but i have also seen a lot of these on Ebay since Velleman have a new model that people interested in electronics prefer. And you can also buy the version that is not built and tested if you want, that is much cheaper. There are also other Controller cards that i'm looking at at the moment.


Inviato Mon 19 Mar 07 @ 7:22 am