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Topic: Cue VS Rane - Page: 3

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Video Courtesy of funkturnal

"VDJ is basically serato… if you are getting SSL you are way behind, if you have serato, VDJ is even easier for you. Can it mix, can it scratch, is it stable… ? It works flawlessly… This is where its at, this is what you need… this is gonna leave everybody behind, period… "


Cant be the same guy… or... oh well...
Nice video though...

Inviato Wed 06 Jun 07 @ 12:08 am
what a waste of binary storage space this thread is people asked for changes

they got changes

Inviato Wed 06 Jun 07 @ 12:26 am
audio000 wrote :

I am about to buy the Numark Virtual Vinyl with sound card and timecode vinyl
Will it have the new time code record or will there be a way for me to find out?

Numark is 3rd gen yes:)

Inviato Wed 06 Jun 07 @ 12:33 am
dj-in-norway wrote :

Whats up with you man? Are you trying to say that VDJ cant set manual loops, or adjust and shift the loops ? Well, then you need to start learning the program..

Or are you trying to put me down as a dj and the rest of us, as "button djs" and "smart loop auto-clickers" ????

Newsflash for you man, I use TIMECODE and use MANUAL loops... And so do many others.

This is why I dont get you, like your on some agenda..
That we all are stupid djs using auto features, while you yourself is a great turntablist dj... lol.
Mac should suit you fine, fits your attitude

Get of your high horse man! ;) lol... You start to sound like the djs on the SSL forum.. Oh, forgot, you are one.. hehe

LOTS of us are proffesional djs mixing in the same respect as you, or any SSL user for that sake...

Man, get of the SSL forum, you starting to sound like them.... its bad. Seriously.

Get back to being the cool dude you used to be, and stop putting down your fellow djs, regardless of what solution they use. Lots of the djs using VDJ is FAR better than you... ;)

Hope its a transitional periond, your welcome back as your old cool self any time you wanna... Hope to see you then... ;)

Y does it seem like I have an attitude. Because I don't beat around the bush? This is how I feel. I am a cool ass dude. Most yall here know that.

I know u use time code...i would assume u do manual loops...not everything here is directed towards u. I have never put u down. When i put someone down I will attach the name too it. (so does that sound rude) c'mon mane...I'm not even using caps.

Of cousre I know vdj can set maual loops & u can use the shift button....I prefer doing it another way....cdj style. personal preference.

but without people seeing multiple points no one can make up there own mind. I'm not putting anyone down...sorry u feel that way. I don't mean to come off rude....we have to remember some of us are on different sides of the country & the way we express ourselves are different.

Attention fellow djs, I have nothing wrong with pushbutton djs...but thats a name for you. Theres certain functions you (pushbutton djs) can't understand because you don't use it. Its that simple. Would you like a personalized name? Kind of like how midgets like to be called little people? c'mon it can't be that serious.

Auto dj? Shit I'm an auto dj...I haven't used absolute mode in like 2 years. I'm relative all the way. I have cue points on just about every video/song. So I fit into this aswell...but theres still different breakdowns of different kinds of djs.

Yes I own a mac...but whats funny is I'm on my mbp running windows. Since I do alot of vid editing & love vegas. I don't care for fcp. Although livetype is the shiznit.

I'm not on a high horse...again just expressing the way I feel. It will always be this way. Again I'm not putting anyone down.....theres enough people here that know me personally.

There will always be better djs just like anyone else (i'm becoming old school very fast.....but I still give the great youngins a run for their money).......just wait til the day where all the vdj/serato/traktor stuff will be compared to an 8track.

BTW i only have one agenda, helping others (no matter race,creed,religion & even the software you use)...just passing my knowledge along. There will always be people that don't agree. But trust theres been people watching this nonsense thread & either saying yes or no.

We done yet? ; )

I'm a cool ass dude....just wait til my next video when I will down a 12pack & go off.

Inviato Wed 06 Jun 07 @ 12:53 am
Whoa...I've been missing out on all the excitement. Finally some emotion in the forum. Debate sparks ideas, interest, change.

Norway thats not cool up there ^ attacking him saying "Mac suits you" and "Get of your high horse man! ;) lol... You start to sound like the djs on the SSL forum.. Oh, forgot, you are one.. hehe". If you were a regular user like me that would be fine...but...You have Teamer next to your name. Just cause you put a hehe or ;) next to a comment that doesn't mean you should disrespect. You are better than that dude, you are an amazing help and part of the VDJ community (and I respect you) I might take little heat from this but thats just not cool. I use a Mac to.

As I said earlier.

CHARL1E F1VE wrote :
I do believe that VDJ is a superior product as a whole though. You can customize it for your preference. Different soundcards, skins, effects, VIDEO...and so on. I actually boot Virtual Vinyl (VDJ) in Windows XP with Bootcamp on my Mac (for the video portion). I did try it in the booting in Mac OS X playing mp3's and was quite surprised with the performance. I don't think I would say better, but def playing in the same league for latency. I'm also not an unbelievable turntablist. But to answer the orginal question on why highly recognized (professional as he put it) DJ's use SSL, I believe its because of the response with TCV and the high standard SSL set. They don't need all the bells and whistles. VDJ is just starting to get recognized as the great product it is, at least in the US. Maybe in part to the DJ communities excitement in video. Maybe in part to Numark. I just wished the Mac version was as great on the video side as the Windows version. Hopefully in time it will be...


Inviato Wed 06 Jun 07 @ 12:54 am
thanks for the back charlie five....but he doesn't mean disrespect....just like I wasn't being rude. hes a cool mofo. but somewhat touchy on vdj today for some reason. although hes gotta back his team 110%.

Inviato Wed 06 Jun 07 @ 1:02 am

aint touchy ;) and can express my opinions on this forum like anyone else...

Would be weird if teamers had expression restraints charlie ;)

and all this is, is a good argument, gotta love a good thread... VDJ forum wouldnt be the same without it ;) hehe

oh well, time for a Coke...

Inviato Wed 06 Jun 07 @ 1:44 am
k_onePRO InfinityMember since 2006
damn guys, do you owe you an apology?I feel like I kinda started this "flame-war" bringing up some of the points I like about VV.
Didn't mean for it to turn our like this...
All I wanted to say is that to me, VDJ/CUE/VV is at least just as good as Serato.
And I am a Turntablist as well! (and a "push-button dj" at the same time, if Funk's discription of using cue-points is valid)
The point that I wanted to get through was that with the VV soundcard and 3rd gen vinyl, I think VDJ/CUE/VV both sounds an handle better than Serato.
Others are of course allowed to disagree, this is just my personal opinion. But, I've had my "theory" backed by A/B testing and convincing former Serato users to become switchers.
That said, I'm not selling my Serato, for one reason only. And that is the fact that I might have to do future gigs where re-connecting and swapping soundcards is not an option and I just need to "tap into" an exsiting Serato system.
Hell, I love Serato, I think it's great! I just think that Virtual Vinyl is a little bit better:)

Inviato Wed 06 Jun 07 @ 1:50 am
see all thats how to grown adults handle different points of views. watch & learn.

haven't used vv & 3rd gen....maybe someday.

Inviato Wed 06 Jun 07 @ 1:57 am
funkturnal wrote :
see all thats how to grown adults handle different points of views. watch & learn.

K-One is Norwegian ;) so he rules..hehe...

Learn yes, as grown up point of views arent expressed by being derogatory about other djs calling them button djs, auto clickers or what ever.. ;) And only reason for me posting in this thread.

But thats ok... You to that, you only get judged by what you say....

Love a good argument though... noone wins, VDJ and SSL rocks;)


Inviato Wed 06 Jun 07 @ 2:04 am

*** moderators : dont moderate ****

now thats something to laugh about only makes sense

Inviato Wed 06 Jun 07 @ 2:30 am
so I'm assuming that the timecode audio you can download is 3rd gen?

Inviato Wed 06 Jun 07 @ 2:33 am

timecode mp3 file is digital, hence perfect replica when burned to a cd.

There is no 1st , 2nd or 3rd gen of digital audio timecode :)

For vinyl timecode the situation is quite different, its an analogue media, depending on groove depths, physical thickness and build, pressing quality, tracking etc...

So, first gen was thin, and some still love first gen vinyls for scratch.

2nd gen vinyls where made with a lower signal and thicker build, specially to compensate for the u4dj card that was not happy with the 1st gens loud signal. Same goes for a few other cards. So for some 2nd gen worked better.

With the feedbacks from users from the above generations of vinyl, a 3rd gen was made, with intent for a great vinyl for VDJ and Numark
3rd gen is WAY better build, with time markers, far better grooves, and is made as a compromise between the factors above, being great at both scratch, signal and tracking.

every dj that I have had using 3rd gen, express huge praise and positive remarks about it :)


Inviato Wed 06 Jun 07 @ 2:39 am
so the "signal" is the same then. it hasn't changed except for what u mentioned above?

Inviato Wed 06 Jun 07 @ 2:46 am
VDJ timecode signal is just a signal yes, and its been the same all the time, and by the way, VDJ and Serato uses almost the exact same signal (and reason for why you can to some extent actually use serato vinyls or timecode with VDJ).

The signal is a perfect (digital) control signal, and thats not where the work for improvements needs to be done, VDJ or SSL.

Its the softwares timecode engine, in other words, the program code to interpret, read and respond to the timecode signal, that makes a difference :)

The signal itself is a perfect signal. But on a turntable factors come into play, all from the turntables itself, needles, and the build of the vinyls, interferance etc

Almost all dj software has about the same timecode signal, with the exception of Miss Pinky, which is a bit different.


Inviato Wed 06 Jun 07 @ 2:52 am
DJ CyderPRO InfinityModeratorMember since 2003
It has changed. When I sat down with the audio engineer to make what I consider to be the best time code record ever. I had ssl vinyls, ms pinky vinyls, mixvibes vinyls and final scratch vinyls all sitting on the table and a printed list of every complaint ever for the first 2 generations and what we came up with was the gen-3 vinyl.

Remember a styles is nothing more then a vibrating piece of metal with a diamond chip on the end. We are closing the gap between the analog and digital world remember needles have a lot to do with the quality of signal you are getting as you scratch or move faster the frequency range the needle must pick up widens. So yeah you get what you pay for in needles. Don't go and blame our time codes when you are using a cheap needle. Its almost more important than the type of turntable it is.

Its a light record but a full thousands of a gram heavier then ssl's because we had to trade off between deeper grooves for better tracking and not facing rejection from the pressing plant (they don't like deep grooves at all because it increases their failure rate) VDJ's vinyls nd Numaks vinyls were both designed by me. However due to lawyers we had to make VDJ's vinyls a bit different then Numark's. You can spot a tiny difference in the vdj vinyls by a 3 second space on the 9 min mark vs a 2 second space in the Numark ones and of course the label. My vinyls (yes I call them mine because I poured my life into them for about 3 months don't believe me ask my wife) are the same on both sides unlike seratos when you buy vdj or numark vinyls your are actually buying 2 sides, which are exactly the same. Not a retarded side that is shorter then the other.

I aslo added a nice touch to the lead in. I noticed on serato and the others the lead in was fairly small. I dunno about you guys but in a jumping club in the dark I want a little space from the edge so I can find 0.00 easily and not have to worry about my needle flying off under a slam in scratch into because i lost track of time talking to the pretty girl and excuse me I need to mix this next track ;)

So yeah a lot of thought went into them. We actually rejected to the first test pressings and started over once. The 3rd generation is nothing like the first two. I a fully expect others to copy this design. One I know of one that already has. So there is your changes straight from the guy who designed them.

Inviato Wed 06 Jun 07 @ 4:25 am
thats cool....but me personaly I don't use it that way. I use relative mode so as soon as the timecode runs out....i put it back to the beggining. browser crates etc i don't use....its mostly for new users.

but obviously your time was well spent....i just hope your appreciated for the efforts u put foward.

Inviato Wed 06 Jun 07 @ 4:46 am
l_ridsPRO InfinityMember since 2003
funkturnal wrote :
thats cool....but me personaly I don't use it that way. I use relative mode so as soon as the timecode runs out....i put it back to the beggining. browser crates etc i don't use....its mostly for new users.

but obviously your time was well spent....i just hope your appreciated for the efforts u put foward.

Funkturnal = Marx?

You still seem to have a natural arrogance with the way you put things. I for one appreciate all the efforts that cyder puts forward as I'm sure many other users.

This thread is a waste of time. If anything, competition is healthy for cue & rane. It keeps each of them working on a better solution which in turns is better for the consumer... US. In the end its just a matter of preference.

Inviato Wed 06 Jun 07 @ 9:20 am
NiemsPRO InfinityMember since 2006
**Small lookback**

Lol this is: funkturnal vs the VDJ community on ESPN (coming at you LIVE right now on your monitor)

I think it's funkturnal's bedtime eh :O He seems to be a suspicious marketer for Rane; I think we have a double agent amound us :D

put it this way guys:

Instead of trying to argue the CAUSE, let's take a look at (in my mind) the OUTCOMES:

- After this, it is once again each man to his own
- No one here, including funk, is going to change their opinions
- Each product, after what has been said, will still be IDEAL
- Nothing said here is of much significance to support a necessary VDJ upgrade
- After this, some people are simply going to have more personal 'grudge' against the other's product
- And lastly, after this, I think we need to get a Coke or 2? Norway, Cyder, agree?
- :D

Inviato Wed 06 Jun 07 @ 10:30 pm
TexZKPRO InfinityMember since 2005
Niems wrote :
- And lastly, after this, I think we need to get a Coke or 2? Norway, Cyder, agree?
- :D

You'd better not to! It will make you fat! I prefer peach tea or water, or a good beer :D

Inviato Wed 06 Jun 07 @ 10:43 pm