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Topic: Database corrupted

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I got this message this morning when i started up vdj anybody know why this would happen?


Inviato Tue 12 Oct 04 @ 1:06 pm
That is the same question I am still looking for the answer to.
I am stuck on 1.09 until it is resolved.
When I load 2.0,01,02 I lose all my data.
There is a break in the link somewhere.
I have been too busy to mess with it and risk losing my data, so I haven't.
Sure would be nice to get some kind of answer on this.
My system is down for upgrading now, so this would be a really good time.

try deleting the mp3database.txt file and do a quick scan. This sometimes works. Always always back up your database.xml file

Started over entering data and the system crashed after 6hrs....What up with this?Lost all comments bpm again...

I feel your pain man its happend to me before, I have several copies of my database so it won't happen again.

possible causes

1. when you shut down vdj, you have to let you computer sit for a min before shutting it off, don't believe hit alt ctrl delete before you close vdj, then what your cpu peak for about 60-90 seconds then return to normal. Windows will close vdj the wrong way and this will break your data base everytime

2. XML side effects, its big, slow, and made by MS what do you expect. Large databases break easily, this has been my experience with it.


Hope the vdj team will get rid of it!

back up your database once a week

Don't use re-curse



recurse... (not re-curse)

This will display all the songs in the current folder, and all it's subfolders (as if these songs were all in the same folder). If you do a recurse on the directory that contains all the directories with your mp3's, this will be the same as opening the database ;)


K thanks .....hey dont i know you?lol

Well XML is one of the greatest advances in software development, it's going to make us evolve a hundred times faster than we would've without it, and it was NOT invented by Microsoft (no matter what Bill Gates tells you)

That being said, it also can't corrupt itself since it does nothing. It's just a markup language. If something is corrupting the file, it is either:

(listed from most probable to least probable)

A) Spyware/Virus that messes with your files (it would mess with your VDJ database, because it might for example look at the most accessed files, or most recently used files, etc...) or that has corrupted your windows configuration.

B) A software installed on your machine is messing up your files (something like Norton which monitors your system. I've heard quite the horror stories from people using the Norton Suite.)

C) Faulty drivers that mess up the writing of some of your files

D) Errors on your hard disk.

E) A bug withing VDJ that is causing it.

F) A bug in windows that is causing it

Using recurse accesses the "database", which is just the xml file, (which is really just a text file that you can edit with wordpad), just as much as listing the contents of any folder accesses that same file. So not using recurse will not solve your problem and has nothing to do with this. And all that happens when you "access the database" is that the software is reading the .xml file. If there is a bug within VDJ, it'll come from an operation that makes VDJ write to the file. (like changing BPM, setting cues, etc...)


- Always back up your database. That way even if you never solve this problem, (or any other future problem) you can always recover from it.

- Check your hard drive for errors.

- Run an anti-virus scan. Preferably NOT with Norton.

- Actually, unisntall anything made by Norton, Symantec or Mcafee. If you're afraid of getting a virus, get AVG antivirus instead. If you're alwayys connected to the web, get a firewall or enable the one from Serivce Pack 2.

- Do a clean reinstall, and only use your working machine for VDJ. Don't connect it to the web, don't install anything else on it, and tweak it as much as possible to ensure the minimum services are running. Yeah, it's a lot to dedicate a whole machine jsust for VDJ, but it's the best way to reduce your chances of a crash.

This said, the dev team should still look (and probably will anyways, since they've done a great job so far:) into this corruption issue just to make sure it's not the software.

EDIT: You can find out what is wrong with your xml file by running it through an XML validator. You can probably find some free ones on the web.

Try this site:
(don't know if it can handle your entire file though)

The validator will tell you which part of the file is not structured properly (you could also do this manually, just by reading the file yourself and seeing what is out of place, but assuming you have 1000's of songs, it'll take you quite a while... :)

Please explain to why it is that 1.09 works perfectly.
I can recover everything with backdating the program.
The data hasn't been lost, it just isn't being found by the updated versions.

I open VDJ Programs running 2.0+ and find a folder labeled "backup 1.09" along with all the other data base folders.

I just have to assume something in the program is causing this, not windows, not norton, not symantic, not a virus.

I have been so busy lately I haven't had time to chase this down. I am down doing upgrades and data base corrections so this is the first time I have had 1.09 has worked all along for me


I read from your post that you have 1.09 running fine, and that you have your 1.09 database working fine too...

From the version 2.0x the database came in a new format, in XML format.

Now, assuming you have the VDJ 1.09 database working fine, try this :
(1) BACKUP the working VDJ 1.09 database file to a safe folder
(2) UNINSTALL VDJ, and delete the VDJ folder.
(4) BEFORE YOU RUN VDJ 2.0x, copy the 1.09 database into the VDJ folder
(5) START VDJ, and VDJ automatically converts the old database in to the new xml format.

That should get rid of old problems, and fix the issues for u.... I hope ;)


Thank you,
I noticed when I first had this problem that there was both an XML folder as well as the 1.09 back up in the main VDJ program file folder when I had loaded anything newer than 1.09.
The conversion to the XML is where I feel I am losing my data. Does this utility include the whole database file or just the song/track listings?
I will try this tonight once I finish getting my video databases corrected and copied.
It really hasn't been a pressing issue because VDJ has run perfectly, so I haven't had a need to change anything.

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