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Topic: orginazed music. - Page: 1

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I'm new on here. My biggest problem is organizing my music. A friend said if I go over like 1500 songs in a folder it runs slow. I'm looking at different ways to organize it. I would love to hear how others are doing there's that have been doing this longer than me. Most of my music is freestlye, pop and country. I DJ at a local skating rink so my music changes depending on the session.

Inviato Fri 08 Feb 08 @ 8:52 am
The way I have my music organized> Root folder" music " then I created subfolders " disc 1, disc 2, disc 3 ect.." now each disc has anywhere from 15 songs ( pre VDJ ) to 70. As I became accustomed with VDJ I started placing fewer songs in folders so now I place about 30 per folder. My video folder ( video 1, video 2 ect.. ) have about 20 - 25 per folder.

I do it this way for editing purposes. I want to go through and add or delete items. Also when I edit / make video mashups I don't want to search tons of music to find what I need.

And the third reason is for my memory. I can remember which folder hold the song needed.

I arrange my music in a quite simply way

One Folder Called Music, then subfolders named like this

and so on

I like this way as it is very simply.

The main Music I play is the top 3, but I have a gig where I have to play abit of everything. My way is quite basic really, compared to how other DJ's do it but for me it's the best way. There is no right all wrong way, but it's down to you and what you find easy.

Jimmy b


one folder. everything in it, genre and comments as i add to it.
and an encyclopedic knowledge of every song, cd, and artist added... my brain is just FULL of useless trivia.

wildcountryclub wrote :
one folder. everything in it, genre and comments as i add to it.
and an encyclopedic knowledge of every song, cd, and artist added... my brain is just FULL of useless trivia.

YES, We've discovered this!

I would like to organize my folder like that but I have been in the game so long that I wouldn't think about redoing everything again. That's why I like VDJ's tags. I can just pull up by genre if need be and still place my music in folders as I receive them.

The other club dj who uses PCDJ red tryed to out do me in every aspect of playing music from software. I sunk his battleship with all the features and organizing. Everything I wanted to do could be done in a matter of seconds and not disturb the flow of the night.

i organize first by genre and then i organize under that according to the sub-genre. for instance: House | Chicago,Deep,Uplifting, Jazzy, etc. This goes about 3-4 deep so out of 12000 I always know what I need and where to find it. I also never use comments, the filenames are all named according to Artist - Track Name with no _ or any crappy naming conventions

i've only got one folder i called it the "music dump" and everything is in there, over 9,000 files of audio & video and if i need anything i just type in the genre or year i want with no problems retrieving them

saves fannying on with different types of folders and sub folders you dont need that crap if you've already got your music style in the genre header/coloum why bother making more work for yourself doing a folder for it, you don't need it


taking the time to organize can save your butt every now and then. it might be a pain to sit there and type in comments, genre, etc. but when you need it.. you need it! (headphones and VDJ radio sunday afternoon while recovering from sat. night- hint hint)

only slightly off topic... but it does show how organized VDJ helps you to be.

bossman wanted an inventory of music and cd's (it was tax time i guess) and then asked me how long it would take to get it to him, i told him "long enough to plug in my thumbdrive." the cd's which have been gathering dust, i have had sitting in a file since last year. the rest of the music, including digital downloads - i just had to give him the VDJ list of everything on the hard drive. sweet. and yet another headache averted thanks to VDJ.

I used to dump everything into a single folder because VDJ organizes things for you in terms of searching, as long as you expend the initial effort with comments, genre, etc.

Now, I have them in folders by artist/album. I'm still on the fence as to whether I will keep it this way or not. It makes it harder to search outside of VDJ (ex. just opening the mian folder and browsing), and it's harder to pickup and eliminate exact duplicates from different albums.

I have 25,000 songs on my external drive. I tried a lot of different ways to organize them. What works for me may not work for anyone else, but I categorize them by year and genre, for example:

60's pop
60's motown
70's pop
70's rock

All the way through country and hip hop, techno etc. After I have the "master folders" with the entire cd's uploaded I pick the "top" tracks from them and make sub folders, so when I open the 50's subfolder in my playlist I have all the top songs from that genre.

Some folders have 100 songs, different years, but all the same era, other folders have 2,500 songs, all the same genre, different years.

I tried alphabetic ny artist, but that got really difficult for me. I have to say it was time consuming, but once the folders are developed and maintained its so easy, and now when I get a new cd I upload it to whatever folder is apropriate.

All these are great ideas, but find what works for you and go with it, try different ways and see what works. The end result is to get to your music quickly and effeiciently when mixing and when the requests come flying at you.

Hope this helps....:)

How much time to you spend staying organized - mzack

keep your main directories simple that way you can search easily.

for example, I have main folders titled like...

HH (for hip hop music)
RB (r & b)
CW (Country/western)
DA (Dance)
TE (Techno)
RR (Rock n Roll - 50s/60s)
PB (pub rock music)

in those folders you can be more specific, so if you wanted to search for 90s dance you simply type DA|90 into your search bar or old school hip hop you'd type HH|80

you could also organise it swapped around, so that you have each decade and if you were searching 90s dance you would just type 90|DA into the search bar

I also have a folder of random cheesy music good for drunken parties. I dont like cheese so much but whatever fills the dance floor!

ps...replace the | with a backslash...the filter took out the backslashes on this message

Genre>Artist>Album>Disc(if multiple)>Song

My other friend who DJ's just has a massive list of artists you could also do that.

I just got virtual dj and transfered all my cds and music to an external hard drive,there is no lag inloading the songs,double click or drag and drop and it loads right away

i think the best advice is to first think and analyze how you want to recall your music. how do you spin? how do you arrange your sets? and most imporatntly what aspects do you remember about music?

some people remember years and labels and whatnot. i organize my music by feeling, so i can move up, down and laterally in my set based on the mood.

any kind of organization scheme is dependant on the selected axiom. the success of that organization structure is how long that axiom works until broken.

to explan further: an axiom in my case is mood. I start with the type: house. subfolders are deep, funky, jazzy, tech, etc. but then in each of those i repeat the same folders. for instance, i have some deep house that is quite techy so its in House > Deep > Tech as opposed to a Funky track which is more upbeat in House > Funk > Up

it works for me becuase i have 1000s of a very similar genre. i dont use or believe in playlist because every time you spin, you need to make up the set based on too many factors to just repeat something done before.

so that is the axiom. i also demonstrated how i expand. for instance, my house > funk folder grew to about 300 before it became too unweildy to find anything. so i spawned the subfolders which are similar in other (i had done in Deep first because i have several hundred more tracks there). so the axiomatic approach is still the same but it allows me to expand.

when you start to mix and match axioms, the house of cards falls down. it becomes difficult to find something.

so whatever you do, think about 'how you will use it' before deciding how it will work. once you figure out how you want to recall tracks, build a solid system and stick with it.

and remember the last point. rework in anything is always more time consuming than doing it right the first time. dropping 2000 tracks in one folder and then deciding to organize is worse than doing 30 everytime your purchase.

said it before and i will say it again "keep it simple" your own library will grow in the end to what suits you and no one else, take ideas from everyone else but sit on them for a while and sometime in the future that idea will come back to you where it will suit your application or you can discard it but in the mean time "keep it simple".


now wheres that ladder?


I've been thinking about how I organize music lately and discovered this thread so I'll chime in with my habits so far. On my main hard drive I have folders for "Remixes" and "Radio Edits". Sometimes I'll play radio edits at the beginning and end of my sets when crowds are light, but for the actual dance crowd I use all remixes. Within these two folders I then made folders for each letter of the alphabet and stored tracks there by artist name. This helps if someone makes a request and I need to find the artist fast. I also made a separate library that grouped everything by "Decade" since that seemed to be an easier way for me to keep variety in my sets, mixing in new tracks with classics. I've found that playing a bunch of new tracks and then throwing in a classic by Britney or Whitney gets the crowd excited.

(As you VDJ veterans may have noticed I have not really been using some of the search and database functions the software provides. More about that in a minute...)

The only problem with the above method is that when I get new tracks I need to save them in two places, the A-Z and Decades folder, which is a pain. So now I'm starting to think about switching to the idea some of the people here have mentioned, just storing all my tracks in one large folder... or actually I'll still probably keep the Remix and Radio Edits separation I've been doing because that works well for me. Then I would use VDJ to create virtual folders for decades and maybe genres. The reason I haven't done this so far is because I usually review and organize music on my desktop PC then move it over to an external drive for use on my laptop where VDJ is installed. To improve the process I think I may install VDJ on my desktop and use it for all the organizing, then transferring the VDJ database files to the external drive with the music so everything matches up.

However, I believe VDJ stores data in different places so I'll need to remember to transfer the right files between my desktop and laptop. Perhaps in a future release VDJ could look into consolidating all the database files into one folder that could be easily copied between laptops and desktops?

I was wondering if anyone else here does a method similar to what I describe and if so how does that work out for you?

MediaMonkey, Period. Organize in MediaMonkey - DJ in VirtualDJ. You want more info PM me. Like your one big folder can turn into folders created the way you want just by filling in the mp3tag. I suggest it to every dj.

Genre, sub genre, for folders, if a album track doesn't fit the rest of the album genre then it gets a comment,
But to be honest if I'm really picking on the fly in the moment then I've either got a tune in mind or I bpm search a range.

One comment I use a lot is 'pitched voices' (not vocal, synth) and it can apply to many genres, so in 30 mins I may play 4 or 5 genres, the beat maybe different, but there's a consistent there 'tis all part or 'the journey I'm taking the crowd on

There's no hard or fast rules other than keep on top of it! (I religiously rename to a standard (before vdj, regex renamer FTW! and tag comments & move with vdj)
