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Topic: SBDJ ScrollText - Page: 6

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djsherzPRO InfinityMember since 2006
tayla wrote :
in scotts case, buy one get one free... lol

Even Madonna didn't get that...

Inviato Sun 28 Sep 08 @ 3:39 pm
taylaPRO InfinityMember since 2007
they're expecting twins.... two of everything for the next twenty years or so... lol

Inviato Sun 28 Sep 08 @ 4:05 pm
Progress report? I had a murederous night last night as drink specials kept changing, and couldnt edit the current promo, retyping the whole thing 5 times... =(

Thought edit had been added, but not released, is there a bug with the beta Scott?

Inviato Mon 06 Oct 08 @ 4:51 am
SBDJPRO Infinity Member since 2006
The only bug has been my time.

I'm going to try and get notepad, xponent and scrolltext updates out this week...

Inviato Mon 06 Oct 08 @ 9:39 am
Cool! I'd love an update before the 25th of October, when i'm going to use it for ledwall (i'll make some pictures!) :)

Inviato Tue 07 Oct 08 @ 6:36 am
Yayy, I forgotten what other updates there was, but its edit I miss.


Inviato Tue 07 Oct 08 @ 6:56 am
lvdjsPRO InfinityMember since 2006
Let me start just by saying that I *DO* use a LEGAL version of the software at the club I work at (Treasures Las Vegas) anyone can come in and check whenever they want. The club owners won't give me the registration info - so I can't log-in to the forum as a registered user. (one of the managers has the username and password and downloads the plug-ins onto the computer)

just a quick note about the SBDJ SCROLL TEXT plug-in ...

when you type something in the text box in the plug-in ... and then switch back to virtualdj BROWSER you can't type to search for a song, eventhough you're on the browser screen, you are typing in the scrolltext plug-in (which you're not currently seeing)

also, the same thing happens with the mouse cursor. if you click in the box with the messages and then go back to the BROWSER you can't use the scroll wheel on the mouse.

the quickest way to get out of this i've found is to just do a "recurse" on one of the folders in the browser.

don't know if this is something that is fixable or not.

Inviato Wed 15 Oct 08 @ 6:36 am
SBDJPRO Infinity Member since 2006
Its something that is unique to some systems, and I don't think I can fix it since there is nothing in my code that captures the cursor - it's just a standard windows dialog. The only thing I can think of is that it's a runtime library issue or something!

Inviato Wed 15 Oct 08 @ 7:35 am
Also seem to have had one bu keep popping up, where on first load text is invisable! Background appears and dissapears, but no text till you open "Font", than press OK, then the text appears!

Inviato Wed 15 Oct 08 @ 8:42 pm
I hate to be a whining bitch, but i'm going to be a whining bitch...

Any updates? :)

Inviato Sun 19 Oct 08 @ 9:37 am
Whining bitch reporting

Made early in the evening. Thank you SBDJ Scrolltext ;) We had 10 000 visitors.

Inviato Mon 27 Oct 08 @ 4:05 pm
lvdjsPRO InfinityMember since 2006

Inviato Sun 02 Nov 08 @ 7:58 am
SBDJPRO Infinity Member since 2006
I know I keep saying this, but I'm going to get these plugin updates out asap, squeezing them in between the never-ending saga that is my life!

I've got some small niggles to sort out the auto resizing to handle different size skin panels :)

Impressive wall Vanstino :)

Inviato Sun 02 Nov 08 @ 5:48 pm
SBDJPRO Infinity Member since 2006
Bugger, one of the head gaskets went on my runaround this morning, even more work for me to do this week now... might be a bit later in the week now for the plugin updates...

Inviato Mon 03 Nov 08 @ 7:52 am
SBDJ wrote :
The only bug has been my time.

I'm going to try and get notepad, xponent and scrolltext updates out this week...

No rush ;)

Inviato Mon 03 Nov 08 @ 10:11 am
SBDJPRO Infinity Member since 2006
OK, I've been working on an update to Scrolltext which is coming along nicely...

...and... has functional SMS support :)

SMS messages are read from a mobile phone, and added to the list of messages as if you had typed it in - but are not enabled for display until you approve them.

It's happily sat here talking to my test Sony Ericsson phone over Bluetooth :)

Inviato Wed 03 Dec 08 @ 6:35 pm
NIIIICE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I can't wait!

Inviato Wed 03 Dec 08 @ 6:37 pm
sischoPRO InfinityMember since 2005
SBDJ wrote :
OK, I've been working on an update to Scrolltext which is coming along nicely...

...and... has functional SMS support :)

SMS messages are read from a mobile phone, and added to the list of messages as if you had typed it in - but are not enabled for display until you approve them.

It's happily sat here talking to my test Sony Ericsson phone over Bluetooth :)

That's great SBDJ...
I'm sure it will be better than iWall:-)


Inviato Wed 03 Dec 08 @ 7:08 pm
SBDJPRO Infinity Member since 2006
It's not as flexible for SMS as iWall, it simply allows you to recieve text messages into the list of messages. No fancy polls or anything. Yet ;)

Inviato Wed 03 Dec 08 @ 8:06 pm
taylaPRO InfinityMember since 2007
nice one, if you need any testers give me a shout, love new gadgets...

Inviato Wed 03 Dec 08 @ 8:30 pm