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Forum: Wishes and new features

Topic: Estimated Time of Arrival for next Atomix? - Page: 2

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Yan-XPRO InfinityHonorary memberMember since 2003
A user has wrote :
a team who respond to emails, (...)

Oh ! What are you saying! The atomixteam has answered more than 2.000 e-mails this last 6 months!

Sometimes we receiving more than 40 mails by day so it is normal to have a small time to answer all the mails... Currently just 4 mails are wainting and personnaly i can't answer it because... it is in SPANISH and i Don't talk spanish!


Inviato Thu 01 Feb 01 @ 4:21 pm
Yan-XPRO InfinityHonorary memberMember since 2003
Re: Estimated Time of Arrival for next Atomix?
posted Thu 1 Feb 01 @ 12:37:05 - level 0

You gotta remember another thing. I doubt very much that the people on the Atmoix team work on the program for a living. They can't devote thier entire lives or time to each and everything related to Atomix. I'm sure they have real jobs besides the atomix code, but at the same time, unlike other software, they dont release crap either.

Personnaly, i'm a student in the secondary school (faculty). I work from 7:30 to 19:30. The I go home, eat until 20:00. After 20:00 to 20:50 I answer to the mails on the web site. The weekends I do parties because i'm always a dj and i'm using atomixmp3!

So as you see, all our free time is only for atomixmp3 because i know that steph's life is not better of mine!
Moreover, he has the pressure of more than 8 teamers and more than 1.000 users in order to release quiclky the next version!!!

Sorry for the wainting!

I've only experienced 2 bugs with Atomix since I started using it. And even then, those bugs have only happened that *one* time. How many other programs out there being made by dedicated hobbiest perform like that? I'd rather wait longer for a stable, perfect release then get riddled with problems. So let them work on the prog more then concern themselves with web updates.

I personnaly test the beta version in real condition : during a party so i'm sure after it that the new version of atomixmp3 is 100% out-bug ! (But generally the final release has always some small changed because of improving code, ... and this changes are oftem source of new bugs!)

Inviato Thu 01 Feb 01 @ 4:28 pm
Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh can't wait. :) Keep up the good work fellas.

Inviato Thu 01 Feb 01 @ 8:05 pm
Hey wish I could give you a fiesty little response, but I think the idea has already been conveyed in it's entirety. I understand what you're saying, just try and understand what I have said... that's all I ask. Keep up the hard work kids.

Inviato Thu 01 Feb 01 @ 8:43 pm
Hello everyone,

I don't have to say AtomiX Team is working to give you the new version ASAP. You all know it.

Sorry if we told next version was going to came sooner than it will come. We want to have it right finished, without bugs.

Also we are starting to work on other software utilities referred to AtomiXmp3 for the nearest future (ie: the skinmaker (by RiSC).

For the ones who feel uninformed just tell:
- We answer really quick all the messages received at the SUPPORT area. You can ask what you need (Try it!)
- We continously read the new messages posted at the Forum to answer your doubts.

About the version 1.13, just inform we work on:
- A brand new interface, with a brand new skin engine.
- A new shortcut engine that allows you to create macros.

When we finish the new version you'll be informed by e.mail(registered users), or you can check it at the FORUM or the web site.

Felix (c8!
AtomiXmp3 'Latin' Team

PSi: Good definition of our free-time-spent-to-atomix GRIMM (posted Thu 1 Feb 01 @ 12:37:05)
PSii: Spanish Messages answered YAN! (You have French ones waiting).

Inviato Thu 01 Feb 01 @ 9:53 pm

Felix, please tell me the 3-band equalizer is going to be included with version 1.13...

Inviato Fri 02 Feb 01 @ 12:12 am
Yan-XPRO InfinityHonorary memberMember since 2003
No sorry, the equalizer is not ready for the 1.13!

But maybe for the 1.14 !!!

(better to have only new feature who works perfectly than two with bugs!!!)


Pndmusic : I have answered the french mail but a spanish too! Na!

Inviato Fri 02 Feb 01 @ 8:52 am
Wouldn't we all rather wait for a release with the equalizer? If I'm not mistaken, wasn't all this hype about the new release directly related to the fact that we'll finally see an equalizer in Atomix?

Inviato Fri 02 Feb 01 @ 6:46 pm
RiscHome userMember since 2003
To all Atomixmp3 users,

Sorry to disappoint you all, there is no equalizer in V1.13 but yes there will defiantly be an equalizer in future versions...
As Yan said maybe V1.14, but just because there is no equalizer in V1.13, doesn't mean that there are no improvements.
Just wait and you will see....

-= R ! S C =-
Team Atomix

Inviato Fri 02 Feb 01 @ 7:47 pm
GrimmPRO InfinityMember since 2003
My big thing is multiple cue points. ;)
I really dont see a need for a built in equalizer, as an external one will do (unless of course, your recording a wav). But, how much processor time would it take away from the main program just to run the equalizer? I only run on a 450 Cel, so an equalizer may be too much of a burden on my cpu, and most likely those of us who use even slower cpu's. Wouldn't the minimum cpu needed have to be raised?
I can think of one good thing though. If the equalizer does make it into a future release, could it be possible to completely disable it in Atomix if we choose to (like a On/Off button)? That way, there wouldn't be any processor cycles taken away from Atomix to run the equalizer.

Inviato Sat 03 Feb 01 @ 2:13 pm
Give the team a break.

What other software developer releases so many updates and even gives an approximate date in anything other than months?

There isn't any other DJ programme out there that even comes close to Atomix no matter how hard you shop around and as for value for money the price of Atomix speaks for itself.

In short I think it is unfair and counter productive to say anything negative. The people working on atomix are working hard I am sure and negative comments are just make their jobs that little bit less fulfilling.

Just a thought (Or two)


Inviato Fri 09 Feb 01 @ 5:56 pm

Inviato Fri 09 Feb 01 @ 9:24 pm
amen two

Inviato Mon 24 Mar 03 @ 7:33 am
SalvaPRO InfinityMember since 2003
Yan-x please tell me you are working on a better output, can i use or is there a Dynamics Processor in the next update??


Inviato Mon 24 Mar 03 @ 9:33 am
DJ CocoPRO InfinityMember since 2003
wuauw... this post began long time ago ! ! ! !

peace !:p

DJ Coco

Inviato Mon 24 Mar 03 @ 10:49 pm
SalvaPRO InfinityMember since 2003
**Modified by DJ Homeboy**

Inviato Tue 25 Mar 03 @ 10:28 am

(Vecchi argomenti e forum sono automaticamente chiusi)