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Topic: TCV/TCCD whish-list for the new version - Page: 6

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xgl_djPRO InfinityMember since 2004
If it is not yet implemented- it is probaly too late for that request...cuz I think they are testing 4.0 for bugs and stuff now.. and adding new stuff now would further delay the release...

Inviato Mon 10 Apr 06 @ 10:19 pm
I have a great fix for the offset...get yourself some Numark CDX!!!

ALL CD decks have NO fluctuation. if VDJ were to substract 0.1% that means if your TT were to go to -0.1% vdj would then substract to 0.1% which would make it -0.2%.

I know what you guys are getting at but why get TTs if you guys want it to work like a cd deck?

just get a set of CDX or HDX from Numark and you get a full functioning motorized platter too.

Best Regards

DJ White Devil

Inviato Thu 13 Apr 06 @ 2:17 am
If I had an unlimited budget and unlimited space I probably would get Numark CDX, infact why settle there, I'd rather get the best instead and get a pair of Denon DNS 3500. I have what's in my setup for a reason. And yes I am aware what SUBTRACT-ing 0.1 from -0.1 is, that is what I want it to do. Having a calibration utility would only set an offset if it's required. If it isn't, then one wouldn't even need to know that the feature exists.

There's no point in going into a Turntable vs CD Decks debate. Good luck with the CDX if you get them, here's the only thing about them on these forums:

Again, good luck.

Inviato Thu 13 Apr 06 @ 2:33 am
Actually Andrew I'm currently using Numark TTx decks and have been using TTs for nearly 11 years now. I know all about TTs and wouldn't think about trading them in for cd decks anytime soon.

Best Regards

DJ White Devil

Inviato Thu 13 Apr 06 @ 2:45 am
I think offset is both the charm and the nature of the beast:)

Using turntables is abit different than using highly precise cd decks, or mp3 play.

A "smart offset correction" feature might only make things worse.

Most users of timecode vinyl seems to want less "smart features", and more pure vinyl feel.

The drift could be aided in software using sync when needed, or even beatlock.. But not sure u want to do that:) Far better to nudge the turntables ...

Inviato Thu 13 Apr 06 @ 2:52 am

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