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Topic: SBDJ ScrollText - Page: 8

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SBDJPRO Infinity Member since 2006
Just tested the current version in the default VDJ skin, with the desktop at 1280x800 and it works fine...

Inviato Sun 07 Dec 08 @ 3:50 pm
what do you mean tcv in the screen shot? the last one was a full shot of my whole screen open, my screen res olution and the effect window for your plugin. as you can see in the screen shot the screen is at 1280 x 800.

Inviato Mon 08 Dec 08 @ 7:36 am
sorry i just seen your last post. whjen i open the TCV window in cue the same thign happens i can\'t see the bottom on that window like this.


Inviato Mon 08 Dec 08 @ 7:39 am
SBDJPRO Infinity Member since 2006
OK, I think these issues have something to do with your display settings. You seem to have your spacing settings set large, and a larger than standard windows font size. You can see that from looking at how far apart your desktop settings are.

Try resetting all your display settings to default.

By comparison, here\'s a screenshot of default skin, 1280x800 desktop resolution, default fonts/spacing:


Inviato Mon 08 Dec 08 @ 8:55 am
I agree, something to do with font settings in windows, in the display settings from memory. it may be set to "Large"

Inviato Tue 09 Dec 08 @ 1:26 am
jeffmcHome userMember since 2008
Hi everyone. I from Ukriiny

Inviato Tue 09 Dec 08 @ 6:44 am
well this si the default setting sfor my screen. the nvidia ran a resolution optiomizer. where can i check the "font spacing" setting or whatever you feel it is?

Inviato Tue 09 Dec 08 @ 7:59 am
SBDJPRO Infinity Member since 2006
Very odd, its not the default for windows at all. All the settings are in the display properties, under the appearance tab.

Things like icon spacing and font size.

Inviato Tue 09 Dec 08 @ 9:45 am
well just checked display/properties/appearance settings read:

windows and buttons - windows classic style
color scheme - windows standard
font size - normal

what now?

Inviato Tue 09 Dec 08 @ 4:13 pm
SBDJPRO Infinity Member since 2006
Something else I just thought of, DPI.

Go into Display Properties, Settings, General and check what your DPI setting is. Hopefully it should be "Normal size (96 DPI)".

Other than that, settings in the appearance tab... various XP defaults are...

Active Title Bar - 25 - Trebuchet MS - 10
Active Window Border - 1
Caption Buttons - 25
Icon - 32 - Tahoma - 8
Icon Spacing (Horizontal) - 43
Icon Spacing (Vertical) - 43
Inactive Title Bar - 25 - Trebuchet MS - 10
Inactive Window Border - 1
Menu - 19 - Tahoma - 8
Scrollbar - 17
Selected Items - 19 - Tahoma - 8

Inviato Tue 09 Dec 08 @ 6:11 pm
SBDJPRO Infinity Member since 2006
OK little update on the new version so far. Stuff that has been changed/implemented:

* Slight GUI relayout
* Autoresizing GUI
* Ability to edit/update existing messages
* Ability to move messages up/down the list
* Ability to enable/disable messages
* Ability to jump to a message by double-clicking
* Ability to use an image instead of solid colour background
* Background now grows outwards from centre instead of downwards from top
* Alpha support for background
* Countdown macro (currently only supports epoch time in the macro, but displays friendly time output)
* Comment macro
* SMS Integration

I have been playing with an addition to the SMS that allows you to specify a mobile number and password, and that mobile can send VDJ commands via SMS. Still not sure whether or not to include this.

I'm also going to look at making a margin slider, so you can tell the text to enter/leave the screen early - useful with a background image so you could have your logo at the side of the background and the text wouldn't scroll over it.

Adding images inline with the text is also on the cards, although I'm not sure when that will be added.

With regards to SMS support, connection is made via a serial port to a mobile phone. This serial port can be a bluetooth, irda, USB or actual RS232 port. As long as it appears as a COM port to Windows it should work. This also requires the phone support the relevant commands as well obviously. Recieved SMS messages are then inserted into the main message list, but remain unapproved until the DJ approves them. Of course they can be edited first ;)



Inviato Tue 09 Dec 08 @ 11:39 pm
taylaPRO InfinityMember since 2007
fantastic Scott, we have been a busy bee...

Inviato Wed 10 Dec 08 @ 5:29 am

Great work! I am still trying to figure out how this would work. Would a PDA with windows media mobile on it connected to the pc via Active Sync software and a USB cable be ok?

Inviato Wed 10 Dec 08 @ 6:14 am
that did the trcik! it was my dpi setting. it was set to large i switched it to normal and BAMM! thanks senior great help!

Inviato Wed 10 Dec 08 @ 6:57 am
SBDJPRO Infinity Member since 2006
Glad we got there in the end, you might find lots of missing controls now lol!

Inviato Wed 10 Dec 08 @ 7:09 am
yesir, now i can actually use your plugin how it was intended and to the fullest. now i jjust need your coiuntdown plugin for new years eve.

Inviato Wed 10 Dec 08 @ 7:27 am
Scott that sounds like amazing work you've done on the plugin. Like really fantastic, can't wait to se it!
Could there be an option for the BG Image to slide in from the right hand side in the same direction of the text scrolling and then close back up when turned off?


Inviato Wed 10 Dec 08 @ 7:34 am
Is the version on the plugins download page the latest version?

Inviato Wed 10 Dec 08 @ 10:56 am
SBDJPRO Infinity Member since 2006
The version on the website is still the old version. This version isn't quite ready yet ;)

Inviato Wed 10 Dec 08 @ 3:43 pm
sischoPRO InfinityMember since 2005
We all are waiting for your new version!

Inviato Wed 10 Dec 08 @ 4:29 pm