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Forum: VirtualDJ Skins

Topic: VirtualDJ 8 - Controller by DennYo - Page: 9

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Hi Denny
please if possible do not forget these in your next update :

can u implement a multi fx slot ?

and also a scrolling song title on the decks ?

thank you very much for the great skin !

Inviato Thu 18 Dec 14 @ 5:44 am
I can't unload tracks if I use 4 decks... Anyone knows if it's possible in this skin?

Inviato Thu 18 Dec 14 @ 6:22 am
jbezzPRO InfinityMember since 2010
Overlapping waves would make this skin AWESOME!

Inviato Thu 18 Dec 14 @ 7:45 am
jbezzPRO InfinityMember since 2010
Hi DennYo, I just downloaded the update for your Controller skin (4.1.2) and I can't see what the differences are between 4.1.2 and 4.1.1. Can you please advise what has been updated! Thank you!

Inviato Thu 18 Dec 14 @ 7:48 am
Hi, can you please also work on a new variation skin: medium wheels? there is small, big, and extra big, just like there is for waves: small,medium,big.
and please bigger overview(songpos) waves

Inviato Thu 18 Dec 14 @ 5:30 pm
jbezz wrote :
Hi DennYo, I just downloaded the update for your Controller skin (4.1.2) and I can't see what the differences are between 4.1.2 and 4.1.1. Can you please advise what has been updated! Thank you!

There are only little Bugfixes in the Cue Section and the Cuenumbers on the Songposline. No new features at this time.

Inviato Fri 19 Dec 14 @ 4:08 am
vdj_pARtybOy wrote :
Hi, can you please also work on a new variation skin: medium wheels? there is small, big, and extra big, just like there is for waves: small,medium,big.
and please bigger overview(songpos) waves

edited a print-screen on paint to show my idea, decks 1&2 are default big jogwheel variation, deck 3 is small size variation, and deck 4 is medium jogwheel variation, bigger songposwaves with dark gray background,instead of black, making waves look smoother... just a tought...


Inviato Fri 19 Dec 14 @ 10:40 am
Hi Denny & Happy Holidays

please if possible do not forget these in your next update :

1) can u add a multi fx slot ? i have to change skins back and forth to add different fx to each is not practical at all...

2) a scrolling song title on the decks ? it helps with long titles .

your skin is excelent and very practical , and the waveforms are superior to any other skin in vdj so far ! but i think that the 2 additions i am asking for will make the skin the total best ever !

thank you very much for the hard work you have put into building this skin ! !

Inviato Thu 25 Dec 14 @ 1:14 pm
The scrolling title is an easy fix. You could probably D.I.Y.

Multi-FX... Do you just want to switch between (e.g.) 5 FX but only see one slot at a time, or are you looking for all slots to be displayed at once?

The latter will of course require more space somewhere on the skin.

Inviato Thu 25 Dec 14 @ 7:08 pm
Hi Groovindj
1) The scrolling title is an easy fix. You could probably D.I.Y.
could you help me with that ? what to change and where..

2) Multi-FX... Do you just want to switch between (e.g.) 5 FX but only see one slot at a time, or are you looking for all slots to be displayed at once?
i am looking for all 3 slots to be shown ,so an fx could be changed on the spot,as for more space on the skin ,that is probably something only Dennyo could implement..

a litle offtopic.. ( maybe somebody can help me) :
i am having a little trouble with the flanged loopout fx ( and it also happens with the other loopout fx that is available):
when i enable them in vdj 8 they dont snap to the beat like in vdj 7.4.1 and that ruines the mix .

from where ever u start it -lets say in between from the 1st beat to the 2nd ,that is where it starts,instead of starting on the 1st or 2nd beat .
i use it a lot for transitions and because it is not working as it should ,any help would be kindly appreciated.

Inviato Fri 26 Dec 14 @ 3:26 am
I have replied to your PM.

Looking at the skin layout, I think it would be possible to squeeze three FX in to the existing area, but the displays would be reduced to the size of the hot cue ones. They would be below each other, the same way as the hot cues, with the knobs (only two) on the right of each display/box.

Three knobs for each slot would be a real squeeze, and they'd be right next to each other.

Something like this (it's a tight squeeze)


Inviato Fri 26 Dec 14 @ 5:38 am
Something like this (it's a tight squeeze)

YES !! that would be just perfect !
is that photo a mockup , or reality ?
now comes the hard question..

can you do that modification ? or only Dennyo ( who is the creator of the skin) ?

ps. thank you for the solution on the scrolling issue for the title.

Inviato Fri 26 Dec 14 @ 9:07 am
It's not a real modification, just a test to check the sizes - done with graphics editing software.

I could do it to the real skin, if DennYo does not have time (or maybe doesn't want to change his skin).

The other option is to use the hotcues area as well. The hotcues could use the four custom buttons instead, if you don't need those. Left click to set, right click to delete. The rec/save/load buttons could be removed if you don't use them.

Inviato Fri 26 Dec 14 @ 9:26 am
i build in a toggle 1FX / 3FX in my Mod-Skin "orange juice" based on Controller by DennYo
This is 3x fx:

i will ask denny for his OK, to publish my 2-Deck Bottomwave variant "orange juice" based on Controller by DennYo. in this Moment its experimental with many new items like a 2nd browser for a permanent sitelist or a automix panel

Inviato Fri 26 Dec 14 @ 5:19 pm
Three FX slots, end result:


Inviato Sat 27 Dec 14 @ 8:45 am
Is it possible to "freeze" the wave form and add o moving playhead (indicating track movement) while in loop? I've seen the feature in Traktor and it was really handy when adjusting the loop in/out points or moving the loop.

Just an idea - no pressure.

Inviato Sun 28 Dec 14 @ 2:31 pm
ProfLeePRO InfinityMember since 2011
royvanmeel wrote :
I can't unload tracks if I use 4 decks... Anyone knows if it's possible in this skin?

I use SHIFT+U to get the action "unload" and it works on the 4 deck layout.

Inviato Mon 29 Dec 14 @ 8:37 am
ProfLee wrote :
I use SHIFT+U to get the action "unload" and it works on the 4 deck layout.

Hi ProfLee,

Thanks for your answer!
This unloads all 4 decks? Because I just want to unload deck 3 and/or 4 most of the times..

Inviato Mon 29 Dec 14 @ 8:44 am
ProfLeePRO InfinityMember since 2011
I don't know if this is an Controller skin issue or a VDJ8 issue so I'm posting here.

There is an icon at the top of the skin to lock the wave form and the rythm form. However, if you close vdj8, the next time you open up the program, you have to reactivate this function each time. Is there a way to turn this on permanantly (Make it stick) or is there a script that I could add to the ONINIT to activate the lock wave/rhythm form feature at startup?

Thanks you.

Inviato Mon 29 Dec 14 @ 8:45 am
ProfLee wrote :
I don't know if this is an Controller skin issue or a VDJ8 issue so I'm posting here.

There is an icon at the top of the skin to lock the wave form and the rythm form. However, if you close vdj8, the next time you open up the program, you have to reactivate this function each time. Is there a way to turn this on permanantly (Make it stick) or is there a script that I could add to the ONINIT to activate the lock wave/rhythm form feature at startup?

Thanks you.

I know there are a lot of pages to go trough, but I know your answer is in this topic somewhere. What you have to change / configure to start with the options you like activated on start...

Inviato Mon 29 Dec 14 @ 8:46 am