Pioneer DJ - DDJ-RR - Layout


  1. LOOP IN : Use this button to set the Loop In point (entry) for a manual loop. When a loop is enabled, use this button to enable/disable the Loop In Adjust mode and then use the Jogwheel to fine-adjust the Loop In point.
    Hold SHIFT and then use this button to enable the last triggered loop (reloop)

    Hold the button for more than 1 second to trigger a 4 Beats Loop

  2. LOOP OUT : Use this button to set the Loop Out point (exit) for a manual loop. When a loop is enabled, use this button to enable/disable the Loop Out Adjust mode and then use the Jogwheel to fine-adjust the Loop Out point.
    Hold SHIFT and then use this button to enable/disable the last triggered loop (reloop/exit)

  3. LOOP HALF. Use this button to half the size of the Loop in beats.
    When Loop is enabled, hold SHIFT and then use this button to move the Loop 1 beat backwards

  4. LOOP DOUBLE. Use this button to double the size of the Loop in beats.
    When Loop is enabled, hold SHIFT and then use this button to move the Loop 1 beat forward

  5. AUTO BEAT LOOP. Use this button to enable/disable an Auto Loop of the selected size in beats

  6. SEQ OVERDUB. Use this button to store the current loop to the default Saved Loop slot.
    Hold SHIFT down and then use this button to delete the Saved Loop from the slot

  7. SEQ START. Use this button to enable/disable the Saved Loop. The track will not jump to the position of the Saved Loop if later to the current track's position (Load & Prepare)
    Hold SHIFT down and then use this button to trigger the Saved Loop and jump to its position (Load & Jump)

  8. SEQ LOAD. Use this button to link all pitch faders (Pitch Lock). When enabled, moving one Pitch fader, will also move the software pitch faders at the same amount.
    Hold SHIFT down and then use this button to enable/disable Smart Cue. When enabled, the Hotcues will be triggered quantized to the nearest beat
