Manuale utente

Settaggi - Configurazione audio

Mixer esterno

In order to use an external (analog) mixer, a Soundcard with a minimum of 2 stereo outputs is required since each VirtualDJ deck configured for external mixer use requires a dedicated stereo channel. With the audio routing done exclusively through the external mixer, the internal mixer of VirtualDJ (Volume faders, EQ, Crossfader ,PFL) will remain untouched as there is no way for an analog mixer to send a digital signal back to the software.

An Analog Mixer or Pro Infinity License is required to use this audio configuration.


Connect Outputs 1 & 2 of the external soundcard to Inputs 1 & 2 of the analog mixer. Connect outputs 3 & 4 of the external soundcard to Inputs 3 & 4 of the mixer. Headphone and speaker connections will be made at the appropriate places on the mixer itself.
In the case where set-up is not obvious, consult the appropriate documentation for the soundcard and/or the mixer to ensure the proper connections are made.

Select SEPARATE DECKS from the OUTPUT options and the multi-Channel soundcard to be used from the HARDWARE options. Not all cards will be detected in the HARDWARE options by VirtualDJ, but can still be used. If this is the case, use COMPUTER AUDIO from the HARDWARE Options. Once the Audio Setup is created select the multi-channel USB soundcard from the soundcard field instead.

VirtualDJ will route Deck 1 to the 1st stereo channel and Deck 2 to the 2nd stereo channel of the multi-channel USB soundcard. Click APPLY to save these changes.


To use VirtualDJ with an external 4 Channel analog mixer, a sound card with a minimum of 4 stereo outputs or a mixer with a built in USB audio interface is required.

Connect the outputs of the external soundcard to the corresponding inputs of the analog mixer. Headphone and speaker connections will be made at the appropriate places on the mixer itself.
In the case where set-up is not obvious, consult the appropriate documentation for the soundcard and/or the mixer to ensure the proper connections are made.

Select SEPARATE DECKS from the OUTPUT options and the multi-channel soundcard to be used from the HARDWARE options. Not all cards will be detected in the CARD options by VirtualDJ, but can still be used. If this is the case, use COMPUTER AUDIO from the HARDWARE Options. Once the audio setup is created select the multi-channel USB soundcard from the soundcard field instead.

VirtualDJ will route each deck to a separate stereo channel of the multi-channel USB soundcard. Click APPLY to save these changes.